Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Power of Paradigms

Your past is not your future. Let me repeat that please, your past is not your future. Your past is nothing more than the actions and results you realized based on your past thoughts. Thoughts are things, powerful things. You think who you are and over time, that is who you become. It is a phenomenon of attraction but you naturally move toward what you focus on, positive or negative.

What we spend our time thinking about, is what we attract into our lives. If we think negative thoughts or focus on past mistakes, we attract negative people and circumstances into our lives. On the other hand, if we think positive thoughts, we attract positive people and opportunity into our lives.

Our paradigms, are simply the sum total of our past thoughts, beliefs, habits, values and decisions about ourselves and others. Your paradigm is basically a canvas that you have painted based on your past life experiences. If your past paradigm is negative in nature, your future circumstances will be negative as well. Once again, if your past paradigm is full of positive thoughts and experiences, your future will evolve in a similar manner.

It's no coincidence that people who's past has been comprised of failure and set backs, duplicate that behavior into their present and future. We literally create our world, good or bad, based on our individual paradigms. Most individuals are not aware of the fact that over time, our paradigms mold and create us and our world. The reason for this is our paradigms become a part of our very being, which results in our behavior and emotions being on automatic pilot; automatic good or automatic bad.

You are your thoughts, change your thoughts and you change your paradigm, change your paradigm and you change your behavior, change your behavior and you change the person and the results. If you want to change your results you must first change your paradigm.

Our success literally depends on the intensity and quality of our thoughts. Our success is not dependent on what happens around us or in the world that surrounds us; it is reliant on our inner thoughts and core values. Change the inside and you'll change the outside. Gandhi once said, "you must be the change you wish to see in the world." Be that change!

Thought + Emotion + Action % = Results

Bio for Lawrence Agresto

Hi, my name is Larry Agresto from Boston.

I am married to my wonderful wife Susan and the father of my two beautiful daughters Lauren & Julia. I am also the Founder of Peak Performance Coaching.

I was in corporate America for 28 years in the IT Consulting Sector and spent the last 15 years in senior management i.e. Vice President of Sales, Regional Vice President.

While in Corporate America, I trained dozens of Account Executives and Recruiters to improve their sales performance. My training sessions focused on; leadership, teamwork, sales training, goal setting & planning, daily priority & schedule, organizational & proficiency skills, human behavior & human dynamics.

Throughout my professional career, my avocation has always been Life Coaching. I've attended countless conferences & seminars on the topic, as well as listened to and read literally hundreds of CD'S, DVD's and books. Personally, I have been coached by Jim Rohn, Jeffrey Combs, Ellie Drake and Guy Finley. My greatest mentor however, has been life itself and embracing the moment by moment lessons that it offers.

I have written several e-books including; The Principals of Success, What's Stopping You, The Journey and my Coaching Program, The 100 Day Breakthrough.

I provide one-on-one coaching for clients based on my four Coaching Programs; Stepping Stones to Change, The Path to Change, The Journey and the Breakthrough Program. I also provide group coaching sessions and seminars to organizations and businesses.

To your success,

Larry Agresto
Life & Success Coach
Peak Performance Coaching
(978) 649-1020

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