Sunday, May 31, 2009

Important Goal Setting Steps to Achieve Anything

First I'd like to ask, are you a goal setter? If yes, why are you setting goals in the first place? The answer should be to attain an admirable and deserving objective. There are many advantages in defining your objectives. First, like a movie, you choose to direct your own life. You get to pick the destination of your own choice, and not having others to dictate the destination for you. You simply want to get from point a to point b. and you want to be there at the shortest time possible. But sometimes for most dreamers and aspirers, we discover along the way that some of our goals might fail to materialize into reality.

So here are guidelines for effective goal setting steps.

#1 Important Goal Setting Step-Think about it. Try to think what you really want in your life. And I mean something which you presently don't have in your life. You cannot act on something without actually thinking about what you really want, right? At this phase, most people think about what we desire and welcome in our lives. Those who dream could begin to make more weighty decisions focusing on the purpose.

#2 Important Goal Setting Step- Decide on it. The most important in defining that target is to look at that want, that desire and ask yourself, do you really want to reach this aim? Will you really want that objective belong to your world? And if that target might take several years to accomplish, are you willing to make sacrifices? Oftentimes, we travel into directions without even giving it much thought.

#3 Important Goal Setting Step- Set that goal. Actually setting that life-defining purpose is another essential step in achieving those dreams. Those who set goals sometimes get stuck with how to achieve those objectives. By identifying those objectives, you have already decided, you've begun an all-new journey in your life. By setting, deciding, planning and actually giving deeper thought to your desired end results, you are surely getting there by formulating it with a plan of action.

#4 Important Goal Setting Step- Act on it. The penultimate step for this goal setting activity is to finally act on it. Action must be done for your vision, your dreams and your fantasy to transform into reality. For a dream will remain forever a dream without taking steps to act on it. Although it is going to take a lot of your time, action is still worth all that dreaming and aspiring you initially thought of. The objectives you want in your life is equally proportionate to the effort you need to exert. The bigger and higher your goals, the greater the effort and action needed in your part.

#5 Important Goal Setting Step- Persist and be consistent. Targeting those lofty ideals is useless without action. And without persistence, we would be easily swayed away from our goals. We may be good beginners, but can be bad finishers. It is frustrating not finishing what you started in the first place.

The author of this article Amy Twain is a Self Improvement Coach who has been successfully coaching and guiding clients for many years. Amy recently decided to go public and share her knowledge and experience through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and join her coaching program.

Radical Religious Leaders

Time Management For Your Best Success

For me Time Management is absolutely essential. Since I am so too often getting distracted, I had to implement my own system to keep me on track of the important things I want or need to do. Finally, a day has only 24 hours. Therefore tasks and goals should be selected wisely.

Yes, family first, then some relaxing time for mind and body and thereafter - immediately - take the note pad with your Priority Tasks for growing your Internet Marketing Business! What is last? TV, reading newspaper, sleeping in the afternoon or early evening..., you get the picture. About reading: I read my eBooks or physical books every night in bed for 20 minutes (exactly) before sleeping. That is totally relaxing for me. Just find out your best time and do it every day.

Most important on Time Management is to stay focussed on your tasks . Make a schedule for everything you must do or definitively want to do today and tomorrow. Set reasonable goals to each task and also add a time frame. Prioritise them and it is a MUST to get the 3 top ones done today. Keep your list updated during the day. Every evening put the next tasks on it for tomorrow. What not has been done moves to the top (no cheating!). Inly in this way you get also things you do not like so much moved from the list. This frees your mind, try it.

Do not let you go and change the order of your schedule - never! Take action, take decisions, be critical and, most important, remain in a positive mood. Do not mourn, just do it. If you maintain a good balance in your every day planning, you will feel much better within a short time. You will be astonished how much more you can positively do in a so much shorter time as before. Stick to your daily list and schedules, it gets to routine and lets you feel better, for sure.

Doing this, you will eliminate stress, fatigue. You will soon feel more fit and healthy. The time you won back can be used for a wonderful walk along the river, a nice dinner with the family of some other things you always wanted to do but did not find the time for. And finally, you will be noticed by others as a much nicer and more positive person, your relationship at home and in business will change positively too.

Conclusion: Time Management helps you to prioritize, getting things done, avoid wasting time on unimportant things (!), take care of the most important projects, appointments, deadlines and it will reduce your workload in general. And finally, look for your top creative time and mental phases. Do the most demanding jobs within these creative phases, safe less demanding work for you lower bio rhythm.

That's how it works, enjoy planning your Time Management!

Martin Bigler offers Resources, Tools and Educational Content to help interested. People building their Internet Business successfully. His Educational Newsletter gives profound Step by Step Guidance on various Marketing and Sales Tasks. A big Selection of Free Reports, Downloads and useful Links are available at Copyright by Martin Bigler

Backup Plans Feel Good

Believing In Religion Video

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Do You Lose Or Win In Christiani
Believe And Achieve

Hard on Religious Faith

It's probably hard to find facts if your mind is already made up. If you're trying to find information on anything, more than likely you will find exactly what you're looking for, if you look hard enough. With all the information out there, available in books, media, and of course the Internet, would we really know the honest to God truth if we ran into one.

Not something that man made up and forced our ancestors to believe in.

If you're studying on faith alone and trying to prove or disprove something, you will succeed. If you're reading the Bible and looking for answers to problems in your life, eventually you will find the answers. All you need is to believe in your God and he will show you the way. Has he truly shown you the way or are you basing your religious beliefs on faith alone.

I have studied the Bible for many years and came to the conclusion that, I was often blinded by the way I view the information and couldn't get the facts most of the time. I always enjoyed reading Proverbs and the story of Job, both of these books in the Bible inspired me to become a better person.

By studying the Bible without faith and looking for information based on facts, it wasn't long before I realized this book could be and I say could be a group of stories that man over the centuries combined into one book during the Council of Nicaea in 325A.D and became religious doctrine for Christians.

In order to study anything effectively, you need to keep an open mind, this might require you to reprogram your thinking. You have been taught for years that only your religion is correct and all other religions are wrong. You can't think like this and gather information effectively.

Studying on faith alone could close your mind and keep you on the path of spiritual resistance. You know you're on this path if only the things you believe in make sense. Nothing nobody else says can make much sense if you're studying on faith alone.

What would it hurt to read a life changing spiritual book on another religion or form of spirituality? If you can't read another religious book, because you're religious organization tells you to only read their spiritual books to gather information, you're following a path of spiritual resistance.

If you're really going to study on faith alone then I suggest studying with intention to learn instead of follow.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended reading, Stories from the Old Testament

Greg is currently working on a religious and spiritual answers library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion

Starting With Simple Things

Estate Planning - The Life Estate

The life estate is something every first year law student learns about when they study the arcane and often bizarre history of property law that harkens back to the days of English knights, lords and serfs, and the transfer of property through the ceremonial throwing of dirt clods with oaths of duty to accompany. The life estate is about as old as they come as instruments of wealth transfer go and students love it, because it is relatively easy to understand. Apart from what students love and what is easy to remember, however, the life estate still has practical value today in your estate planning and assets management schemes.

The basic idea of the life estate is that a person can be left a piece of property for life, and upon their passing, the property in question can go to whoever is designated to receive that property afterward. The individual or group who receives the property after the life-tenant passes is called the remainderman or remaindermen, which is useful only in that it helps one to remember that the person who remains gets the property. If, for example, one wants to leave a family estate that has been with the family for many generations to their spouse and then have it immediately pass on to their children or another relative who will maintain the estate for the generation to come, then a life estate might be the perfect vehicle to do so. Another example is the same family estate, left to a surviving spouse until the surviving spouse either dies or remarries. Again, the aim is to ensure that the estate stays in family, a contingency which is threatened by the remarriage because that creates a new marital joint-tenancy, absent any other provision. Often the life-estate was used to keep assets, like the family home, headed down a single line of familial ownership.

However, the life estate has other uses, for example, it can leave an asset to be owned by one person until the death of third person. If an older relative has become incapacitated, such that it is difficult for them to make decisions for themselves, then the asset can be left in the care of another for the incapacitated person's lifetime. An example might be, that Blackacre (the fictitious name for a piece of property used in law schools everywhere) is left in the care of cousin Tilly, until great aunt Nelly's death. Thus, Tilly is allowed to make Nelly comfortable at Blackacre (the family home) until Nelly passes on. In this instance, Nelly's life is what is called, the measuring life of the life estate, and Tilly's ownership ends when Nelly is gone.

On the whole, the life estate may be falling out of use for a number of reasons and being replaced by the much more fluid instrument of the trust. But, the life estate still captures, from time to time, our instincts regarding how property is to pass from one generation to another and that is why it is still relevant even for an estate planner who uses it very rarely. It helps us to ask and to get the answer to very difficult questions, which is part of the act of estate planning. Both the client and the attorney must face tough questions, and the life estate (even if it is sometimes regarded as a legal relic of the past) tells us how people used to answer questions of intra-generational wealth transfer and why. We may use different instruments to bring about our legal ends (or we may not), but even if we do, the life-estate still has relevance in helping us think about the questions that underlie the choices to be made in estate planning.

Ronald Hudkins is an advocate for consumer awareness. He has noted that more than 70% of the American public fails to make appropriate estate plans prior to death or incapacitation and as such; authored an Ebook "Asset Protection and Estate Planning for All Ages" It is available for free download at

Studying On Faith Alone

Sometimes You Need to Cry

I recall a period in time, at about 18 months after my husband passed away, that I felt pretty good about myself. I had handled what life had thrown me and come out battered, but mostly okay on the other side. After caretaking my husband for almost a year, I was battling some minor health problems of my own, related mostly to stress, but most days I was certain my life was on track. Steady and focused, my three boys were also adjusting and it seemed we all had a grip on reality.

On this day, I was on my way to an appointment with my holistic doctor when the radio began playing a song I had never heard before. The singer's words stirred something inside me. The song spoke of loving someone through the years, and even with that person gone, the threads of memory remained.

The words reverberated through me, and I experienced almost a kind of shock as their meaning sank in. Out of nowhere, I began to cry so hard I had to pull off the road. I had no control over the rush of anguished emotion. All my hard won calm fled, chopped off at the knees as I hugged the steering wheel of my car.

I cried as if a great well had opened inside and pulled my guts out. When I finally began to calm and the tears subsided, I had to wonder where this emotional outburst had come from. How could a song open a wound of such profound loss?

I arrived at my doctor's office, and as usual with holistic doctors, they not only want to know about you physically, but they dig deeper into the emotional aspects of your life. I hesitated only briefly before telling him what had occurred on the way to his office. I felt embarrassed by my earlier semi-breakdown. I tried to explain that I'd been feeling good, and then to suddenly have this upheaval had thrown me for a loop.

He explained it was to be expected there would be days where emotion could still catch me by surprise. With the loss still relatively fresh in my life, how could I expect to be 100%? I admitted to him that I'd been feeling excruciatingly lonely, but I thought I was handling it. Some days my idea of "handling" it meant ignoring or burying my feelings. Always a very private person, I hadn't shared much of my thoughts with anyone. When friends asked how I was doing, I would usually say I was okay. Inside, I kept thinking, who wants to hear that I just want to get through another day?

I felt much better after speaking with him. Not only was he a sympathetic ear, it felt good to open up and share my worries about being alone, my concern for the kids' welfare and fears that I wasn't handling my finances to my best advantage.

We talked extensively about the triggers that stirred my own private misery. Something as straightforward as a song, or as complex as past memories, seemed to have the power to entrench me in great emotion. He made me realize there would be times I merely needed to cry as part of grief's healing process. There was nothing complicated about it. Each time we are brave enough to reach down and allow our true emotions out, it brings a little more healing into our lives. As time passes, and we remain true to ourselves, a new sense of empowerment emerges.

Elaine Williams 2008

Elaine Williams is a writer across various genres. She is a mother and a widow of four years. She can be contacted at -

Luck Is What Happens When

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Dealing with Grief with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Mental Problems And Disease
Norman Vincent Peal

Using Your Emotions to Create the Beauty From Within

Have you ever been in the room with someone who is truly beautiful? Are you entranced by the clothes, their looks, how their hair is done, how they walk, talk or speak? Where does beauty come from?

We have all heard the saying, 'beauty comes from within' which on the days that your hair does what it wants, you have chosen the wrong shoes to go with your outfit or you just don't feel your best, means nothing. Compliments are thrown to the wayside and you are not able to enjoy your accomplishments.

When you are experiencing those dark, ugly moments, what is going on in your head? Stop! Listen and hear what you are saying to yourself. It is true that you create your own beauty and it does come from within. What you say to yourself creates a light-filled beauty or a person from the dark side.

Your Self-Talk

Your self-talk is affecting your emotions, decisions and how beautiful you feel each day. Our thoughts affect our mood, our health and how we live each day. So, if you tell yourself that you are beautiful, guess what, you are. And that beauty will show in how people react to you when you are doing business, with friends or family.

Self-talk is a deeply ingrained, generational habit. It is like having a computer chip downloaded with instructions that you play over and over and believe is your reality.

These habits can even be measured. There is an evolving research field known as positive psychology. Dr. Sonja Lyubormirsky, in her book, The How of Happiness, states that as much as 40 percent of our happiness "is left for the intentional activities that we can choose to engage in . . . the things that we do and think every day of our lives."

By engaging in thoughts of self disapproval we bury our beauty under dark, negative feelings about ourselves. It affects every aspect of our lives and limits our possibilities.

Learn to create your most beautiful self by monitoring how you are feeling. When those dark moments appear, watch them, stop them and search your mind for an alternate, beautiful way of seeing and feeling about yourself.

The following exercise is one of the most powerful I have ever done. You may surprise yourself at how beautiful you are.

1. Write about how you see yourself. Include the dark, negative aspects that you hear yourself saying constantly. Be brutal, this is the ugly, dark side.

2. Write about who you want to be. How beautiful, wonderful, delightful, kind, enjoyable, exciting, loving, great, accomplished . . . etc. You know that person you see when you walk in a room that you want to be around because you feel so great when you are with them. Write about that person, it is you.

When you are done writing these two scenarios, read them. They are two completely different people. You will probably surprise yourself seeing how wonderful you are. Keep the one about your beauty close and read it often. This is the person you are and can become with practice.

Some other suggestions:

Be aware of what you are thinking

Shoot down those negative thoughts with positive ones

Find some books or CDs on positive self talk

Use them daily

Envision a world of beauty with you in it

Work at saying only positive statements

As you are creating your own beauty make sure that you spend time each day noticing the beauty around you. When you appreciate this beautiful world your beauty becomes a part of it and you will carry it with you everywhere.

Find your beauty, carry it with you and give it to others. Your beauty is needed in this world.

Tana Dean is an ecopreneur, author and speaker. Her book, available on her website, Your Money, Your Power: 10 Ideas for Mindful Spending to Create a Healthy Green Planet coaches us on how to create a more healthy, peaceful planet using our daily financial decisions and actions. She designed and developed her internet eco business website with articles, products and resources. She also offers her favorite products, Certified Organic Skin, Home and Nutrition. Her site focuses on Abundant Lifestyle, Green Living and Healthy Bodies. She is a Reiki Master in the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition.

Powerful Beliefs In The Bible

Sports Psychology - How to Build Self-Confidence - 4 Things Parents, Coaches and Athletes Must Know

There are many text books, self-help books, journal articles and magazine articles on building self-concept, self confidence and self-esteem. Because I coach many athletes, I tend to spend a lot of time helping these clients to strengthen their self-confidence.

However, believing in one self is useful and important for just about everyone. It is important for Barack Obama. It is important for kids. And it is probably important for you.

Over the years, I have studied and developed many strategies and techniques for helping people to believe in themselves. When people feel positively about themselves, they tend to grow and they are better able to have rich and fulfilling lives.

Dr. Albert Bandura, of Stanford University, identified four components or life experiences which contribute to building one's self-confidence.

Mastery Experiences-Having a history of doing well at some event, some skill or some task can help to grow your confidence in yourself. So, it is useful to remind yourself of times when you felt you mastered some task or some skill.

Vicarious Learning-Seeing someone else who you can relate to do well at something or succeed at something can help you to believe that you, too, can succeed. A child seeing his friend hit a baseball can start to believe that he can put his bat on the ball with some power too.

Modeling Someone Who Inspires You-When you see someone who you admire do something well, you can imitate his or her actions. Watching a singer perform a song brilliantly can inspire a young artist to do the same thing. This "modeling" can help to grow your self-confidence.

Social Persuasion-Receiving encouraging words from a parent, a coach or someone you trust can help you to feel like you can do something successfully. This, too, can strengthen your self-confidence.

People who do not get any of these kinds of experiences are likely to have little or no self-confidence.

So, if you want to build self-confidence in yourself, in someone you care about or your child, consider facilitating one or all of these kinds experiences. If you do, confidence can build in a short period of time.

Jay P. Granat, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and the founder of He has written several books and developed several programs to help people perform to their fullest potential at sports, at work and at school. Dr. Granat, a former university professor, has appeared in The New York Times, Good Morning America, AP, ESPN, Golf Digest, The BBC and The CBC. He can be reached at His books include Zone Tennis and Get Into The Zone In Just One Minute. He is also the author of How To Get Into The Zone With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, How To Lower Your Golf Score With Sport Psychology And Self-Hypnosis, 101 Ways To Break Out Of A Hitting Slump and Bed Time Stories For Young Athletes. Golf Digest named Dr. Granat one of America's Top Ten Mental Gurus. He was recently featured in a documentary film on long distance running. Dr. Granat writes a weekly column for three newspapers. He just released a new program for bowlers.

Learning Meditation Or Watching

Dream Big - Self Help Tips

If you are going to dream you might as well dream big. Too many people want to play it safe. You have to have enough confidence or belief in yourself to take a chance. No one ever became successful by playing it safe. Playing it safe will get you just that, safe. If you want the big pay off you have to take the big risks. You have to be able to dream big and plan to fail. Everywhere you look there are examples of this. Let me share just one story of many. We all know who Rocky is or should we say Sylvester Stallone.

If you don't know his story it is one to be respected. Rocky/Sly as most people call him, had a dream. He wanted to make it in Hollywood. He wanted to be a famous movie actor. So he wrote this thing called a screenplay about this kid named rocky that had a dream to make something of his life. Sly packed up everything he had into his broken down station wagon and headed off to Hollywood. When he arrived in Hollywood he started to shop around his script. Everywhere he went people turned him down. Many even scoffed at him. Then one day a big movie producer said they would buy the script and offered Sly a million dollars for it.

The only catch was they were going to hire someone else to play the part of Rocky. He turned it down. At that time he had no money, was living in his car and someone just offered him a million dollars and he turned it down! Why, because it wasn't his dream. It wasn't about the money. You see he wasn't just dreaming, Sly was dreaming big. He could've played it safe and took the million dollars but fast-forward a bit. Someone eventually did buy the script with the conditions he wanted and he did play the role of Rocky. He was also the 1st actor to demand 20 million dollars a movie and the rest is history.

Oh, by the way I had a small role in the movie Rocky V so I did get to meet him and Sylvester Stallone, in my opinion, is a true leader, difference maker, and a Champion.

And by the way, he really does talk like that... "Yo Adrian" LOL

Sylvester Stallone wasn't afraid to dream big, he wasn't afraid to fail.

Are you willing to dream big?

Are you willing to fail?

Real is an expert at helping people achieve their dreams & Goals.

You might recognize him as Lt. Taggert from the ABC Show General Hospital.


"Oh by the way. YOU are a CHAMPION!"

Is King Solomon Going To Heaven

Friday, May 29, 2009

You Can Achieve What You Want

Many people find it difficult to set goals because they regard their goals as something difficult to achieve, as an impossible dream so they play it safe by avoiding thinking about what they want all together. Do you feel you are in this trap? How can you overcome it?

We all possess enormous creativity and can imagine anything we want. When we hold ourselves back for a long time from being creative it might be hard for us to free up our imagination. This is just a matter of practice: the more you do the imagination exercise the better you will become at it.

Now imagine, what goals would you pursue, what would you like to do, to have, to become if you knew you can't fail? Just let your imagination fly.

Remember when you were a child and your imagination was unimpeded by all the constraints imposed by our society, what dreams did you have? Try to remember your childhood wild dreams and start dreaming; let your dreams to take you where you want to be. To facilitate this process you can do this after half an hour of dancing or aerobics exercises to lighten up and let go.

Imagine that you are guaranteed the success, what would you do; what dreams would you have? Try to uncover your deepest desires. There must be something that you pushed deep into subconscious mind because you thought it was impossible to achieve; try to revive your deepest desires.

After that don't think about failure, just keep the image of what you want in your mind at all times. Twice a day do this visualization exercise in a deeply relaxed position and feel a deep gratitude as if you already received it. This will imprint your desire in you subconscious mind that will keep you alert to all the opportunities that will help you realize your dream.

Do you need help to make your dreams come true? Visit for a free book and more details

Are you interested in natural health, weight loss, energy secrets? Visit for free reports and more details

Lynn Alex is a Life-Skills Coach, Yoga Teacher and an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner


Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Bio-Neurobiology Of The Self

Like always My eyes see, my ears listen, my nose smells, my fingers touch and I cannot help cognizing and ask questions of my everyday experiences and experiences of others that reach me through one of my senses, some of them or all. So like then now it is my eye that caught some written material and threw my selfish self in to examining them in an effort to may be understand more than anything my selfish self. As I read through the material I thought if I could only understand my selfish self and be able to see it from outside of it and from a neutral vantage point what else would there be that I won't master at all. Nonetheless wherever I went and whatever I did and am able to do got me always wrapped up in my selfish self and it more and more proved to me that it is all there is in whatever ways and how it was said and done.

""The most obvious thing about you is yourself." "You look down at your body and know it is yours"." Todd Heatherton. I thought of the statement and wanted to be certain of my knowledge of myself and wished if the self within me was only the physical self and wanted so bad to fully comprehend it and master it if I may and be certain of my knowledge, but hard reality hit me so hard that it was not meant to be. It turned out that the self was much more than the macroscopic physical. It also has what is called the spiritual psychological and more aspects to it. The certainty of the self by the self simply dissipates in to the thin air as I try to examine it even further and the self assurance about the knowledge of the self appealed to me as somewhat far fetched. The day to day discoveries and the new lights that are being shed about the inner and outer workings of our self tells a story of even more unknowns and what we know of our self is barely a scratch on the surface of a very large stack yet to be known and ever.

"When you wake up in the morning, you don't have to interrogate yourself for a long time about who you are." Todd Heatherton. The statement makes it as though we have never had a question or a doubt about who we are and why we are , but the fact remains that the overwhelming part of out every day activities are related and are about finding our self, making our self, changing our self sustaining our self and maintaining our self, all in all whether we say it in a single sentence or thousand paragraphs, whether we ask it directly or not the selfish self often and always takes precedence and primacy. In our daily all encompassing and comprehensive activities, actions, reactions, Cognitions and recognitions we do define and redefine ourselves and I am afraid if we are so sure of why we do so with certainty. If there is anything certain that we have asked enough times who we are and why we are, where we came from and where we want to go and are going, these are questions that are in every ones head without being framed may be in an elitist word framing. And what everyone does revolves around the same issues with varying probability of knowing the answers, but with certain truth of never certainty. Even the questions we ask of others come around often as question about our self and we can't escape the fact that it is all about the selfish self. It often is about acquisition of knowledge, material, position, notoriety or something of value here or in the hereafter. The complete knowledge of the self is the ultimate and as such remains always less than certain.

As we go through life every day we wake up, I feel like, what we do is interrogate our selves of who we are, how our poison has changed and how to best react to it contrary to the statement quoted, in all and many things we do, think and imagine. Indeed we have the greatest interest in ourselves and interest is dependent on the degree of exposure to the subject of interest, and the self more than anything else is exposed to the self itself. May be the root of selfishness lies in the exposure of the self to the self more than the not self and there is no way of exposing the not self to the self more the self itself to the self, thus instilling the selfishness permanently in the self and may be a falls sense of complete self awareness as well. "" Heatherton himself shied away from direct study of it for years, even though-"My interests were around the self but not around the philosophical issues of what is the self."

Things have changed today, Today Heatherton, along with a growing number of scientists, is tackling the question head on, seeking to figure out how the self emerges from the brain. In the past few years, they have begun to identify certain brain activities that may be essential for producing different aspects of self awareness. They are now trying to determine how these activities give rise to the unified feeling we each have of being a single entity. This research is yielding clues to how the self evolved in our hominid ancestors. It may even help scientists treat Alzheimer's disease and other disorders that erode the knowledge of the self and in some cases destroy it altogether." It is rather the philosophical self that interested me the most than the mechanical descript self, not that I understood it but I am intrigued by it. It raises questions more than I could speculate and ask of the readers of this article and knowledgeable people if I may and pose them directly. Is the self a collection of memories? Cognitive and reactive process?, Will the self cease to exist when the mind (brain )ceases?, When the subjective self (mind or brain, or consciousness and memory) ceases will the objective self turn in to an automaton and mechanical being?, Are other animals, plants and inanimate that go through motion purposeful, intentional, disciplined, ordered and unique motion self aware?, If not why not?, When the self that is self aware ceases will the self that is not self aware remain? Is the objective self a reality of the subjective self or is it the subjective self the reality of the objective self? Or does the objective self exist independently of the subjective self and the vice versa? Is the subjective self the extension of the objective self or is it the objective self the extension of the subjective self?

As a matter of everyday practice it seems the subjective self to act as its sole purpose and intent to protect, preserve, sustain and propagate the objective self. If subjective reasoning alone were enough to answer it all, I would have had mine, but reason fails short and reality often times defy reason and it is often reality that has to be reasoned than reason define reality, therefore a dose of objective reality may be is in order and in time for a comprehensive understanding of the issues raised and points reiterated. " Further clues have emerged from injuries that affect some of the brain rejoins involved in the self .Gage, a 19th century railroad construction foreman who was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time when a dynamite blast sent a tamping iron through the air. It passed through Gage's head, and yet, astonishingly, Gage survived. Gages friends though noticed something had changed. Before the accident he had been considered an efficient worker and shrewd businessman. Afterward he became profane, showed little respect for others and had a hard time settling plans for the future. His friends he was "no longer Gage." Cases like Gage's showed that the self is not the same as consciousness. People can have an impaired sense of themselves without being unconscious." As is indicated by the awareness of the amnesiac of all things about him it rather seems as though the self is a physiological and psychological construct of information that precedes it. As such as long as the physical construct of this precedent information is intact the self will retain its self awareness which is ingrained in its genes. This self awareness which is to serve in the fulfillment of the selfish needs of the self necessitates the awareness of the environment in which the self finds itself in. it is therefore this secondary awareness that is to be called consciousness. It is an awareness the helps the self act and react in ways and times that its interest are best served by. As every existence is a relativistic phenomenon, it would rather make the complication easier to understand if we have to conclusively argue whether the self is absolute relative to the not sell or the self is yet a relative reality to the not self. If we claim the self is an absolute reality then the self exists independently of consciousness and if we claim the other way around then the self ceases upon cessation of consciousness. As indicated in the article , the retention of the information about the self while all memory is wiped out by amnesia seems to attest to the fact that the self does not exist because X or Y existed, but because of the information upon which it was constructed that determined its intent, shape, color, purpose and destiny and consciousness helped best accomplish these predeterminations in an environmental constraints.

"At the university college of London, researchers have been using brain scans to decipher how we become aware of our own bodies." This is the very basic law-level first point of the self "UCLA's Sara Jayne Blakemore says. When our brains issue a command to move a part of our bodies, two signals are sent. One goes to the brain region that control the particular parts of the body that need to move, and the other goes to the region that monitor the movement. Our brains then use this copy to predict what kind of sensation the action will produce. If the actual sensation we receive does not closely match our prediction, our brains become aware of the difference. But if the sensation does not match our prediction at all, our brains interpret them as being caused by something other than ourselves. Blakemore and her colleagues documented this shift by scanning the brains of subjects they had hypnotized. When the researchers told the subjects their arms were being lifted by a rope and pulley, the subjects lifted their arms. But their brains responded as if someone else were lifting their arms, not themselves." As untenable as it seems it rather is a fact that the objective self is existent independently of the subjective self (the mind) but too mechanically. The subjective self does not only interpret coordinate and give meaning to the environment the objective self is in but also gives the essence of the self itself in relation to everything and anything within its environmental constraints and how it reacts to and interacts with the elements of its environment. The brain that generates the subjective self seems rather an information in, information processing and information out center that where when and how it gets its imputes determine how it will react and what it puts out when it puts out what it does as its purpose and duty.

"Heatherton and his colleagues at Dartmouth have been using the technology to probe the mystery of why people remember information about themselves better than details about other people. They imaged the brains of volunteers who viewed a series of adjectives. In some cases, the researchers asked the subjects whether a word applied to the subjects themselves. In others, they asked if a word applied to George W.Bush. In still other cases, they asked simply whether the word was shown in uppercase letters. They found that questions about the self activated some regions of the brain that questions about someone else did not their results bolstered the "self is special" hypothesis over "the self is familiar" view." The special self and the familiar self are separate and in essence and are intertwined in purpose.

While the special self is the information upon which the physical self and the psychological self is constructed on, the familiar self to me is the conscious self that determines the position of the special self in relation to its environment and helps act in the best interest of the special self. There is no time or space separation between the self and the information about the self. The information about anything else is separated from the self by distance and time. The self is constantly accumulating and accessing information about itself. The self and about the self are intertwined and inseparable unlike the self and about the not self. Information may be filled separately and in categories, yet the fire about the self may be the most important and may be the most significant of them all. "When we are in new circumstances, our sense of our self depends on thinking explicitly about our experiences. Soccer players know whether they are athletic, strong or swift without having to consult their memories." It is rather indicative of the fact that the special self is very much dependent on its consciousness of the environment it find itself in to react in ways and manners its interests are best met. When the self knows and knows well and is familiar with the environment it finds itself in, thinking becomes un necessary, logical construction becomes redundant and the facts become self evident. "The primate ancestors of humans probably had the basic bodily self awareness that is studied by Blakemore and her associates." I wondered if at all there is any living thing that is not self aware. How is this awareness expressed other than being active in the self preservation and primacy of the self? All living things are self reproductive, self preservative and self protective and knows its relative position in its environment and acts and reacts in ways and manners it is able to survive and thrive; what possibly be the so called self awareness if not all these and more? "The self requires time to develop fully. Psychologists have long recognized that it takes a while for children to acquire a stable sense of who they are. "They have conflicts in their self-concepts that don't bother them at all."Lieberman comments. "little kids don't try to tell themselves, 'I' am still the same person.' They just don't seem to connect up the little pieces of the self-concept."" If I am spared of the possible label of someone playing in semantics and engaged in hair splitting I would like to not that there is nothing at all that had happened happens and will happen in no time and in no stages. Even instantaneity is a relative short period. I cannot agree any less that self awareness takes time while the self is a physical construct of the information that preceded it, it does not only predate self awareness, but is there from the initial date of its complete construction when ever that may be. It seems the self goes through stages of cognition of its environment, compilation of the facts of its environment, understanding of its environment, determining the self's position in the environment and acting in the best interest of the self within the environmental constraints.

While the last two of the process described are attributable to self awareness the former four stages are only precursors to self awareness. May be children's conflict of self concept that don't bother them are indicative of the developmental stage to self awareness than it is physiological (biological) (self) developmental stage. The self awareness of the self goes way passed the developmental stages of the brain to the very origin of life itself as a product of self awareness .As it is attested to and proved over and again programs of self propulsion, development, reproduction and ability to choose are ingrained in the fundamental elements of life precedent cellular construction. It poses a dynamism where change in quantity and quality in time and space are among the prevalent character threats. As stated by Robert Shapiro's " A simpler Origin for Life" Scientific American June , 2007 " Muller's Remarks would be in accord with what has been called the NASA definition : Life is a self sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian evolution" I as a lay person wouldn't have agreed less except for the two things I need to elaborate or needed be elaborated by some who are more able than I. It is the convergence of among the chemical, mechanical, electrical and even gravitational self sustenance as we prove in to the very fundamentals existence and succumb to simply in to being a product of change in space in time following or governed by a precedent information. As it is guided and goes through self sustaining change in time in space gathers information that helps it undergo Darwinian evolution in effect Darwinian evolution is cumulative information gathered to help self sustenance in time and space.


Commentary on Real Religion

Swami Vivekananda presented the talk, Real Religion at the World's Parliament of Religions in 1893. With this speech, he introduced Vedanta (AKA Hinduism) to the West. It is more than 100 years later and the Christian West continues to struggle with the world's religions. This is a brief opportunity to comment on Vivekananda's speech.

"Religion does not consist in doctrines or dogmas." What simple and wise words. However, the religion of the West, Christianity, is devoted to its doctrines and dogmas. Doctrines about Christianity as the exclusive path to salvation are the roots of Christian evangelization and, sadly, of Christian intolerance. Such intolerance extends to the ends of the earth. The Catholic hierarchy, for example, sets its gaze upon every religious tradition and judges. The proselytizing view of the Catholic Church and all of Christianity, peruses its own house. In Catholicism, for example, Catholic theologians who dare to present theological arguments for salvation in religions other than Christianity are silenced, taken from teaching positions, indexed.

I agree with Vivekananda. Doctrine is not the same as the experience to which doctrine points. God-realization cannot be achieved by reading doctrines or encyclicals. The Christian Testament points to a reality that must be experienced. The purpose of the Gospels, for example, is to encourage faithful to embark on a journey home to God and to portray the unfathomable source of pure love that is God. But, the words are not the journey. "The raft is not the shore." If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.

This does not mean that doctrines, dogma, sacred texts are disposable and without real spiritual value. I merely suggest that the source of strife among the peoples of the world is inordinate reliance upon religious teachings at the expense of emphasis upon an experience of God and the consequent comprehension of the interrelationship among all people and the cosmos.

For religious leaders in any religious traditions, why is it so incomprehensible to agree with Vivekananda: As soon as a man stands up and says he is right or his church is right and all others are wrong, he himself all wrong. Of course, in order to be consistent, I suppose I must admit that I could be wrong.

Sandi Fults has a Master's degree in Systematic Theology from St. Mary's University in San Antonio, Texas. She also attended the graduate Middle Eastern Studies program at the University of Texas at Austin. Her area of specialization is Interreligious Dialogue and the world's religions, with emphasis on the South Asian Hindu and Buddhist religious traditions. She is convinced that interreligious dialogue is a way to peace.

Childhood Religious Control

Monday, May 25, 2009

Goal Setting For Changing Times

Have you noticed that you've experienced much change over the past year, months, weeks, and even days? Your situation may have changed due to the challenges presented by these changing times, and you may ask yourself if you have achieved your goals of the past year. How do we go about starting our goal-setting activity with all of this change happening around us?

The following seven goal-setting steps will help you successfully implement your goal-setting and achieve your dreams in the future in these changing times:

1. Successful Goal Setting Requires Thinking About Your Goals

You are told how to think and what to think about each and every day. From when we get up in the morning until we go to sleep at night, television, radio, personal computer, family, friends, managers, and colleagues tell us how to think, feel, and act.

Invest time fifteen minutes to an hour to think. Turn off all the external distractions, go to a quiet place (home, park, etc.), and think about your goals and how you want to accomplish them. Think about how you will feel when accomplishing them.

Your goal-setting thinking session should also include how you will benefit from these changing times. What special skills do you have or need to acquire to take advantage of these changing times?

2. Successful Goal Setting Requires Writing Your Goals

Nothing happens in goal setting unless you write your goals and put these goals on paper. Put a pen to paper and you are ahead of all ninety-five percent of other people because they do not write down their goals and then wonder why they are unhappy in their business, their career, and their life. Take the time to write down your goals. It doesn't need to be perfect the first time; successful goal setting is an ongoing process that will change as you accomplish your goals.

3. Successful Goal Setting Requires Shorter Time Periods

Break the length for your goals into shortened time periods. This allows you adjust as needed in changing times. For example, break your goals into twenty-year, ten-year, five-year, one-year, six-month, monthly, weekly, and daily increments. This will allow you to gauge whether you are on course to accomplishing your goals, or whether you need to make adjustments to get back on track.

4. Successful Goal Setting Requires Flexible Goals

You need to be flexible when goal setting more than ever in the past. As the world changes, planning for these changes is essential. An opportunity that is there today might not be there tomorrow. What are you going to do with shifting opportunities? When setting goals, successful people have a Plan A, Plan B, and even a Plan C for these changing times. Take time to think about what changes might happen in your business, your career, and your life and develop plans to overcome these obstacles.

5. Successful Goal Setting Requires Passion

Do your goals make you excited? If they do not, you are not setting goals high enough. Set your goals so that you are excited about accomplishing them. When you are excited about your goals, you create positive energy, and the energy creates passion. With this passion, you will find ways to remove any barriers to your success.

6. Successful Goal Setting Requires Embracing Technology

Many times in our workshops, we run across students for whom technology is a barrier to their success. Their jobs or industries have changed so that being proficient in technology is a requirement. Yet, these students resist learning the new technologies required for their success.

Include a section on what technologies you will learn in your goal setting so that you are successful. Overcome your fear and challenge yourself through these goals to learn how to master new technologies.

7. Successful Goal Setting Requires Balance

In these changing times, you are asked to do more with less. Whether in your business, your career, your community, or your family, you have ever increasing requests for your time and talents. Unless you include balance in your goal setting, someone else will create unbalance in your life which leads to stress and possibly illness.

Take back control of your life with successful goal setting. Make sure you set goals in the following areas:

* Family

* Health

* Education

* Technology

* Spiritual

* Career

* Community

* Business (if needed)

I am sure you can think of some others; however, these form the foundation of your goal-setting activities. Master these areas to be successful in achieving more in less time while staying in control.

Don't delay! Take the time to put think about what you want and deserve, then put a pen to paper. Invest in yourself and the seven goal-setting techniques discussed in this article and you will be successful in these changing times.

Ed Sykes is a highly sought after leadership, motivation, stress management, customer service, and team building expert, success coach, professional speaker, and author of Jumpstart Your Greatness. You can e-mail him at, or call him at (757) 427-7032. Go to his web site,, and signup for the free success newsletter, OnPoint.

Goal Setting For Success

Beyond Motivation - Passion

It seems that just as we shifted paradigms in the eighties, we worked synergistically in the nineties; now we are passionate in the naughties. Even my local petrol station has passion brochures at the pump! So what are we passionate for ?

Last October I got some unasked for, but expert, advice from an extreme extrovert to be more passionate. After I had calmed down, I took a long hard look at what I was doing and seriously questioned my passion level. This was after all, expert advice.

My research took me through a motley assortment of superficial pop psychology and self help books, all with Passion in the title and each more inane than the last. Finally I stumbled across a book by Sydney author Peter Wallman, The Wisdom of Passion. He appeared to get to the real core of what Passion is, and after meeting with him I was convinced that he had identified a simple but powerful process for identifying and capturing our core passions. I loved the simplicity of the process and the clarity it brought to me and my business. Now I assist others to identify what it is that gets their juices flowing.

Along the way through research, self analysis and questioning of my clients and others who have Passion Mapped I have identified some keys to passion.

Passion is very personal and unique to the individual.

Most of our strongest passions are kept internalised and rarely expressed outwardly.

The most powerful passions are not material (or sport).

Connecting strongly with our passions creates a magnetic effect We attract people and opportunities.

Eliciting deep passions requires skill, we have learned well from the school of hard knocks to keep this side of ourselves hidden.

When we express our passion, our voices change, our eyes sparkle, and our physical demeanor shifts.

Passion is contagious be very careful.

Passion comes before motivation and way before action.

Passion makes a difference.

I share my story of being told to be more passionate with colleagues and clients and generally get snorts of bemusement. As an introvert, I am not given to bounding into a room, leaping in the air, giving great shouts, or jumping up and down on a sofa Oprahs or anyone elses. So how do I express Passion? Tell me after you talk to me!!!

Passion is not something you have more (or less) of. Passion is inherent and intrinsic.

Last week I had the opportunity to coach 10 leaders and staff members of a niche organisation during three intense days.
Each of these individuals has a determination and a spark in their eyes, a tone of voice and a body posture which unmistakably conveys the depth of their passion about the work they do. Unsurprisingly, the organisations Director is passionately leading from the front - a true visionary leader. I felt honoured and very humbled to be coaching this particular team. Their common focus and harnessed energy, steered by their Director, is making a huge difference to their client base. Truly a high impact and passion based organisation.

One of our tasks as leaders is to uncover and unleash the hidden power of Passion in our employees, to harness and direct this passion towards a common shared goal. Just imagine, if you will, for a moment what your team could achieve this year if they were as passionately involved and focused as the organisation I mentioned earlier.

Kofi Annan said To live is to choose. But to choose, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go, and why you want to get there.
In business our Mission and Values statements spell out who we are and what we stand for, Our Vision statement gives where we want to go, and our Strategy gives us the how. But the why is missing.

Passion is the why!!

Liz Cassidy, founder of Third Sigma International is an author, Speaker, Trainer and Executive Coach and is passionate about facilitating results in the businesses, professional and personal lives of her clients. For more information

Buels Manual Of Self Help

Beginning Through Awareness

Are you living your values, or has your life been hijacked by someone else's? Are you living your life through the eyes of someone else, or is it your own? Is this journey your truth or someone else's truth? Are you living the experiences they want you to or that you want?

Values are ideals that guide you through life. They help distinguish and inform you as to what is important and provide a way in making stronger choices that are in line with your heart. When you live by your values, life is fulfilling and joyful. There is a sense of calm, completeness and contentment. When you don't live by your values, there is a feeling of quiet frustration that drains your energy without even an awareness that it's happening.
Many of us go through life unaware of where we are headed. We

plough through the days must's, should's and have to's and don't stop to reflect and adjust according to our intentions or desires. It's okay to get side-tracked. Being sidetracked could be a form of relieving tensions or anxieties.

Getting side-tracked could also be a way of reminding us to reflect. To find out if where we are headed is the direction we really want to go. Is where I am going in alignment with my true heart's desire? For me, what I plan on doing, is being more aware when I do get side-tracked. And because of my awareness to what may occur, I will get back on the bus and begin the forward movement I initially intended earlier.

Most importantly, every time you feel like life is giving you a bad deal, or your wheels are stuck in the mud, ask yourself if you are chasing someone else's dreams and values or yours. Each one of us will make many different stops, turns and directions that are unique only to us. But there's one thing that we all have that is the same. Time. Being side-tracked is part of life, but how long do you intend to be side-tracked? The price you will have to pay is in the delay of your dreams or pursuing another's vision and finding out it was never yours all along.

You can begin anew with awareness to what is. Recognize your values. Values also change in priority depending on what is happening in your life. When a newborn arrives, your value of freedom and adventure may be restricted temporarily, but your value for commitment, care, reliability, provider and radiance is magnified.

Reflect and then adjust your intentions according to your desires. Make sure your values line up with your truth and not someone else's. Living with values that are a priority in your life will create a life filled with fulfillment and joy, and a sense of calm and contentment. Create a new beginning and strive to become the real you.

Discover the #1 Rule to Live By and 7 Life-Changing Steps to transform your life! Wake Up To Life is a monthly ezine for women in transition and of all ages who seek clarity, direction, meaning, change and purpose in their lives. Transform from mediocre and mundane to passionate and with more zest. Visit and begin designing the life of your dreams!

If The Greeks Were Wrong

Structuring Your Time During the Day

We only have 24 hours in each day, if we're working 12 hours each day, six days a week, planning the time required to create a habit will be a little more difficult, than someone who works four hours a day three days each week.

If you're one of those overachievers and can't seem to rest or sit down for even five minutes a day. This tells me, we need to change this habit first. Most people that tell you, they just don't have any time during the day, for anything. These people usually have a lot more time than others.

Their time is normally unstructured and they often find themselves running around like a chicken with its head cut off. They are not organized or very efficient at most things that they do. Keep in mind that there are some extremely successful people that only work four hours each day and some of these people take vacations every other month.

Structuring your time will allow you the extra time you need during the day.

If you have a daytime organizer, use this to figure out, if there is any wasted time during the day. Pay strict attention to any wasted time and make a list you can evaluate at the end of the day. Do this for one week and at the end of the week evaluate your weekly activities.

If you don't have a daytime organizer, carrying around a scrap piece of paper to keep track of your daily activities. If you don't have a daytime organizer or if this is too much work for you, simply pay attention to any time you might feel, has been wasted during the day.

If we can create better time management habits, it won't be long before we have more time than we ever imagined.

Have you ever thought about Getting up Earlier.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

2012 Predictions - The Christ Download in the Year 2012 (The Rapture)

Did you know the Christ Energy has already returned like a thief in the night to Earth! For the past 25 Earth years, the Christ Energy known in the spiritual realms as the Photon Belt Energy has entered the Earth's atmosphere and each year it has moved closer and closer. It is causing a speeding up of time - a time warp - as each year feels like it gets faster and faster.

The Photon Belt Christ Energy reached its peak here on Earth in the year 2002 and will remain here at its peak until the year 2012. During the year 2012, the many thousands of Ascended Spiritual Masters (that include Jesus, Mohammed, Gautama the Buddha, and Mother Mary) will send down the full download of the Christ Energy to Earth to change the DNA structure of all mankind to hold a greater spiritual vibrational energy of love and light. These 2012 predictions are in fact a reality!

The Photon Belt Christ Energy has been sent early - prior to this main event in 2012 - to begin the cleansing process of the Earth planet. It was sent early in the mid 1980's to prevent the world destroying itself through nuclear proliferation. This Christ Energy is raising the spiritual vibration of the Earth and has - and is still causing - many natural disasters in negative locations around the world. Many souls, who are not able to cope with the rise in the Earth's spiritual vibration, are choosing to leave the Earth through these natural disasters, through suicide, and through chronic illnesses.

The Photon Belt Christ Energy - as part of this cleansing process of the Earth planet - is causing all the negative energy within people (repressed feelings of anger, hate, emotional pain, sadness, etc) accumulated over many lifetimes, to come to the surface. But why? It is doing this to give people the opportunity to seek counseling and other forms of emotional release therapy healing, so they can remove these negative feelings and be ready to receive the main download of the Christ Energy in the year 2012.

The Earth is being forced to evolve from a war-like planet to a more loving peaceful planet. This is known as planetary ascension. It is also what is referred to in the Bible as the Rapture. Only souls who are peaceful and loving will be able to re-incarnate to the Earth plane for their future incarnations. Those souls who remain negative and warlike, will be cleansed from the Earth plane through natural disasters, suicide, and chronic illness. These souls will be forced to re-incarnate onto other war-like planets in their future lives.

There are many things you can do to prepare yourself for this coming of the new age. Maitreya is the Earth Buddha and is in charge of the Office of Christ. He speaks to the world as the World Teacher at this time on behalf of all Ascended Masters (including Jesus, Mohammed, and Gautama the Buddha). The teachings of Maitreya are very simple and easy to read and explain fully about the return of the Christ Energy and what you can expect and what you can do to prepare yourself.

Glen Russell is a Spiritual Counselor and Medium for Spirit. To uncover more about the teachings of Maitreya and the Return of the Christ Energy visit

Tips For Maintaining Good Yoga Positions

Yoga has many amazing benefits and all of the positions and poses each has it's own benefit. Yoga also helps to improve posture which in turn gives you many benefits including a much healthier body.

Many people have very bad postures which have gradually gotten worse over the years without them even noticing. By getting and maintaining a good posture you will strengthen your back muscles and have amazing health benefits.

Practising yoga regularly can help to maintain good posture as well as increase your strength and flexibility throughout your body as a whole. When starting out, some yoga poses may seem difficult, but with practise you will find them easier and easier and you will certainly feel the benefits from them.

Here are a few tips on how you can maintain good yoga positions. Being able to execute the positions in the proper manner will give you the fullest benefits from each pose.

1. Stand with the base of your big toes touching and your heels should be slightly apart. Then life and spread your toes slowly and also the balls of your feet, and then lay them softly down on the floor. Next, try rocking yourself back and forth and then from side to side. Gradually reduce your swaying until you are standing still in the centre with your weight balanced evenly on both feet. The more you practise yoga the easier this will be and soon you will be going straight to the standing position with good balance.

2. Next, you want to harden your thigh muscles and lift your knee caps. Try not to tighten the muscles in your lower belly. To make the internal arches stronger, life the inner ankles and then try to picture a line of energy running up and along your inner thighs up to your groin. Keep picturing the energy running up through your torso, neck, head and then out through the crown of your head. Turn your upper thighs inward slowly and make your tailbone longer toward the floor.

3. Next you want to push your shoulder blades back and then down. Then lift the top of your sternum up toward the ceiling, try not to push your lower ribs forward. Let your arms hang down by your sides.

4. The crown of your head should be balanced over the middle of your pelvis. Keep your chin level with the floor, your throat should be soft and your tongue relaxed and flat on the floor of your mouth. Soften your eyes.

5. The pose that you are now in is called 'Tadasana' and is the initial yoga position for most of the standing poses. If you can correctly do the Tadasana pose and feel comfortable and relaxed in that pose then you have a great headstart to doing the other standing poses. It is beneficial to hold this pose for between 30 and 60 seconds and keep your breathing slow and relaxed.

Remember, although yoga sometimes seems difficult, all it really takes is a bit of practise and when you are doing yoga regularly you will enjoy its many benefits for the rest of your life.

Yoga has incredible health benefits and can be practised by anyone of any age. If you aren't practising yoga then why not start today and you will soon enjoy its many benefits.

Visit to find out more

Friday, May 22, 2009

Create Your Day - Video

Watch and Learn

Just how big of a deal is Money in Organized Religion. Your money is used for various things and some of them, you might not really want to spend the money on. Something to think about.

If you want to read something funny and get your daily laugh in, you need to read this, it's funny Using Religion Responsibility. It's based on overindulgence.

Can You Change Your Life
Changing Bad Habits

Gallantry, Generosity, and Fidelity - Tools For War

"A mean victory brings no glory, but rather disgrace... In men of honour the smallest trace of meanness repels: the noble and the ignoble should be miles apart. Be able to boast that if gallantry, generosity, and fidelity were lost in the world men would be able to find them again in your own breast." -Balthasar Gracian.

The above illustration vividly portrays the type of person almost everyone likes.The regal kind of person who combines bravery, kindness, and loyalty is quite rare in any day, though there are these people around if you look hard enough.They're certainly not the type of person you'd expect to be fighting, but ironically, they're the best fighters.

It pays to fight wisely or not at all.Fighting unfairly is a quick way to gather enemies for the journey, and we never know when one of those enemies will either strike -- 'expect it when you least expect it' -- or when you'll want a friend from their number and it's altogether too late.Fighting fairly, of course, is also the right thing to do.

This quote is finally about how deep-seated the values of gallantry, generosity, and fidelity should be in our psyches; that once we're engaged in life situations these values permeate not only our own actions, but also the lives of others, making life a sweet and lovely thing.

The integrity of the soul is the subject here.How do we fare on the roads or in the wilderness of life?Is there a competitive streak that compels us to win at all costs, or is it 'governed' as in the device on a diesel engine that throttles it back and controls the top-end power?Integrity of stately values is to be our governor.

When all is said and done, if we fight, we must pick the right one, and also employ the right values-based strategy.Would it not be a good thing if these three: gallantry, generosity, and fidelity, were last of all found in you?Now, that is real spiritual leadership, wisdom, and emotional intelligence... and a raft of others, all rolled into one.We could also call it 'being Christian.'The kind of person A.W. Tozer touted, "They will be serious men whose eyes look far; and though they may be meek and lowly as the Lord they adore, there will be about them a suggestion of royalty, a noble reserve of bearing that cannot be mistaken."

This type of meek, lowly, yet regal and noble character is what we're to strive for.

Copyright 2008, S. J. Wickham. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Steve Wickham is a safety and health professional (BSc) and a qualified lay Christian minister (GradDipDiv). His key passion is work / life balance and re-creating value for living, and an exploration of the person within us.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Role of Thought in Employee Motivation

As managers we need to make certain all the people we want to motivate understand the role of thought in life. There is nothing more important.

Consider this exchange:

A: I'm depressed

B: You just think you're depressed

A: Same thing... it feels like the same thing.

B: It feels like the same thing, because it is the same thing.

A: What if I thought I was really happy?

B: I think that would make you feel really happy.

A: I know it would.

Why is it that the rain depresses one person and makes another person happy?

If things "make you" feel something, why does this thing called rain make one person feel one thing and the other person feel the other thing? Why if things "make" you feel something, doesn't the rain make both people feel the same thing?

One person you lead might say, "Oh no, bad weather, how depressing." Another person might say, "Oh boy, we have some wonderful, refreshing rain!"

Why? Because the rain doesn't actually "make" you feel anything. (No person, place, or thing can make you feel anything.)

It is the thought about the rain that causes your feeling. And throughout all your leadership adventures, you can teach your people this most important concept: the causal power of thought.

One person thinks (just thinks!) the new pay plan is great. The other person thinks (but just thinks!) the plan is depressing. Nothing in the world has any meaning until they give it meaning. Nothing in the workplace does either. Your people often look to you for meaning. What does this new directive really mean?

Do you sense the opportunity you have?

We can make things mean anything we want them to, within reason. Why not not use that power?

People don't make your employees angry; their own thoughts make them angry. They can't be angry unless they think the thoughts that make them angry.

If your nastiest employee wins the lottery in the morning, who's going to make her angry that day? No one. No matter what anyone says to her, she isn't going to care. She's not going to give it another thought. Your employees can only get angry with someone if they think about that person as a threat to their happiness. If they don't think about that, how can they be angry?

Your people are free to think about anything they want. They have absolute freedom of thought.

The highest IQ ever measured in any human being was achieved by Marilyn vos Savant, many years in a row. Someone once asked Marilyn what the relationship was between feeling and thinking. She said, "Feeling is what you get for thinking the way you do."

People feel motivated only when they think motivated thoughts. Thought rules. Circumstance does not rule. The closer your relationship to that truth, the better the leader you are.

Dr. Mike Cioppa is founder and president of Employee Success University, the premier training company in america. Through our innovative "Audio Coaching Conferences" you can train ALL of your managers for one low price.

For more information please visit:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Religious Fundamentalism Can Create Problems

Religious groups can easily justify their actions by using religious text to benefit and promote their beliefs. The Muslims can sling quotes out of the Quran to justify their treatment towards women as second-class or even third class citizens in society, often removing certain rights from them because they weren't born men.

Shouldn't these women be treated equally. This is where religious fundamentalism evolves into religious fanaticism.

Christians can often use the same tactics to justify their beliefs and Christianity. This list goes on and on and has created hardships in the past on some people in our civilizations and will continue to do so in the future. As long as people continue to turn a blind eye to evil religious and government leaders, atrocities will take place and some of them will even be supported by those who eventually will become accused are victims of their own wrongdoings.

Does anyone remember the Ku Klux Klan? If you live in the south eastern part of the United States, there is a very good chance that you have heard of them or even know someone who belongs to this organization. The Ku Klux Klan was responsible for hanging African Americans throughout the early 1900s to prove that the white race was superior to the race of black people. Their religious beliefs fueled them with righteousness.

If this going on anywhere in the world today, may be issues about abortion or gay marriage. It seems like an oxymoron, if we allow gay people to get married, we won't have to worry about the abortion issue.

Some Christians, but most Americans look at this as a shameful part of our American heritage. It's not something that most Americans would ever support today. I would like to point something out about the Ku Klux Klan, they started out as a Christian organization and made examples out of other white people who weren't conforming to their ideal Christian society.

There are stories of people that abused their wives and the Ku Klux Klan set them straight, one way or another. If it required beating the crap out of them or killing them, something needed to be done and they are morally obligated to perform the task as Christians. These people took their Christian beliefs to an extreme.

When are we as a country and the world going to start fighting religious fundamentalism at its core and stop the atrocities that are going on today, using religion to justify their wrongdoings.

Create Personal Power

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Habits To Prevent Losing Things

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Unlocking Your Spiritual Mind - Spiritual Video

Ahhhhh is the sound of God and can be used for meditation. Listen to this wonderful sound and try to find God in it.

Question Your Religion

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a religious help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Getting Up Earlier

The Law of Attraction - Finding the Inner Path to Success

Many of today's brightest stars attribute their achievements to something inside them, which gives them an outlook and approach to life that attracts success. There are many versions of the law of attraction, each stressing the importance of "positive thinking" and making the most of every opportunity. Overcoming negativity and becoming a happier, more productive person is part of the law of attraction. People who live this way expect good things to come their way and they exude confidence. They tend to go from one success to another because they are energized and have an attitude that fosters good vibes. When they counter the unexpected, it doesn't impact them in the same way because they believe better things are headed their way.

Most people start life with positive attitudes. Ask any child to complete the sentence "When I grow up..." and be amazed. Yet at some point something happens and they stop believing in the "I think I can, I think I can..." mantra of the little engine. The few that never stop believing or manage to reclaim the optimism of their youth are the movers and shakers that make things happen. These people have a magnetism that draws others near and makes them eager to hear to what they have to say. Take any winning coach and you will see that it is not their techniques alone that enable their team to achieve victory after victory. It is the result of a "can do" attitude that influences the whole team, inspiring confidence and persuading others to dig down deep and give their best effort. To be a winner is something that begins inside you, as you stubbornly determine you will do what it takes to realize your dreams and refuse to give up, whatever comes your way.

Inside every person lies tremendous potential. What distinguishes an extraordinary person from an ordinary person is their attitude and approach to life. No matter how much knowledge, training, and ability you have, these gifts will remain latent if you are unable to tap your potential and take action. The principle found in the law of attraction can help you decide to actively pursue your dreams and become the person you know deep down you were meant to be. If you are complacent, grumbling, or resigned to your fate, regrets may haunt you for the rest of your days. Asking yourself where you want to be in five years, and then pursuing those personal ambitions is possible. You may be looking for wealth, fame, simplicity, or something else in your pursuit of happiness. Simply start by cultivating the inner resources that will motivate and empower you to live each day to the fullest.

Author: Richard van Beek is a top marketer in serious online marketing and devotes his time, energy, and effort into the team and mentors them to ensure their success.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Reality Creation - Breaking Down Barriers

What really stops us from fulfilling our dreams? What separates the people who know they want more out of life from those who have it all? It's as simple as believing in yourself. The concept of positive thinking is not a new one. I think deep down we all know that transmitting good thoughts will attract positive and promising situations in our lives. This is explained simply enough in many different belief systems such as the Law Of Attraction, The Seth Material, most major religions and countless other lines of thought where an "instant karma" effect takes place. Positive attracts positive and negative attracts negative. Sounds simple enough, right? It's just an easy thought process that is enriching, rewarding and doesn't cost a dime. So why isn't everyone thinking this way? Why isn't creating a positive reality for ourselves full of riches and opportunities "all the rage"? For some, thinking positive thoughts and believing in themselves can be next to impossible.

Why does it seem so difficult to think positive thoughts? Why is negativity so easy compared to positive thinking? The Law of Attraction states that positive thoughts expand energy attracting more positive influence from the Universe, and negative thoughts constrict energy reducing the flow of positive influence back to you. I believe that both positive and negative thoughts originate from the same part of the brain. Both take the same amount of energy to produce the desired results and outcomes. Heaven on Earth is a real place easily created with just a thought. It is just as easily created as the "Living Hell" that so many find themselves in everyday. Have you ever tried to make a miserable person happy? It is quite the task. Negative people make all the excuses in the world to hang desperately on to the negative thought process:

* "You don't know what it was like for me growing up"
* "No matter what I do or think, something bad always happens"
* "I always seem to make a bad choice, affecting my relationships, job opportunities, and personal growth"
* "You were just born happy......I'm not like that."
* "You are just lucky.......I'm not"
* "I used to be happy, but that person doesn't exist anymore"
* "How can I be happy after all that has happened?"
* "Easy for you to're not me."

Negative thinking people are in no hurry to change their thought process anymore quickly than positive people want to be miserable.

Who in the world wants to feel the hurt, guilt, and depression of a "Living Hell"? I know I don't. But for some, it is a comfort zone. Negativity is a valid and viable emotional thought process that is equal in its power to positive thinking and its need to be expressed. The Universe is made up of light and dark, yin and yang, up and down, back and forth, negative and positive. It is perfectly and completely balanced. On an atomic level, negative and positive ions are the perfectly balanced building blocks of life and matter.

They attract each other for a mutual gain. Negativity is a valid expression of thought. And negative people are expressing an important and valid emotional process that they have to experience to be balanced. Not just balanced within themselves, but balanced with all the positive expressing people they share this Universe with. If everyone all thought the same way, how would we realize how precious and needed our own thinking would be? More easily put, how would we appreciate all the good things if there were no bad things to compare it to?

In our enlightened, yet desperate attempts to spread the word of positive thinking, reality creation, and attracting happiness, we need to understand our whole selves. There is no right or wrong thinking... we are just expressing whichever thought process that we have to in this life, at this moment, and in this incarnation to be balanced. Our soul has to experience every aspect of the human condition to be whole and complete. Opposite energies create the precious opportunities to appreciate all that the Universe has to offer. Negative thought need not be changed, but embraced.

All thoughts, good or bad, are equally powerful and need to be experienced for completeness of soul. Negative people are attracting negative energy to themselves, it's true. But when the pendulum swings on it's own to the other side, which it always does, the same people will have new experiences to learn, to live, and to complete their "Earthly duties." Their souls will be more complete and make our Universal awareness and appreciation that much sweeter. Embrace whichever thought process you are experiencing in the Now, revel in the power of reality creation, and paint your next moment of where you need to go to make your life complete and perfect!

How do you create an everlasting quality for your relationship today?

For nearly 20 years one man, Colin Martin, has searched for and found the number one secret to building an exceptional romantic relationship. The answer doesn't lie in the endless volumes of self help books and repetitive talk shows ....but within yourself!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Collaboration Creates Harmony

Sometimes unwittingly you might engage in a power struggle, both at home or at work. These conflicts often stem from an unconscious desire to retain control of your circumstances or surroundings. However, your strong-willed and defensive approach to solving issues, may cause you to come up against a stronger resistance from perceived adversaries.

When you let go of your need to be in control and engage in a collaborative strategy that will help you work in tandem with others, rather than against, others you will notice that together you can create powerful solutions that allow you each to have your needs and desires fulfilled. You will feel your defensiveness disappear as you seek out a fair and balanced workable solution.

When you cease pushing against those with whom you are involved in struggles for dominance, the conflict dividing you from one another, eases, and you can begin working on an equitable solution to your differences. Hostility only engenders more hostility, blinding you to the cooperative and fair strategy you can use to diffuse aggression.

By avoiding to provide any more resistance, you create a situation in which cooperative energy can flow. Once the blockages that existed between you have been eradicated through the channel of your openness, you can begin communicating with your adversaries. As you gain a new understanding of one another, you are each empowered to devise a universally beneficial resolution. You will gain the power to dispel conflict when you recognize that letting go is the ultimate antidote to anger and conflict.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Devil and the Mystery

Most Christians know more about the devil than they know about "The Mystery." Even so, they do not know any more about the devil than they should know. They should know more about him, so that they can truthfully say, with Paul, "We are not ignorant of his devices" (II Cor. 2:11). Certainly every Christian should know more about "The Mystery." God wants every Christian to know "The Mystery," and to make it known to others (Eph. 3:9). You say, "Then it would no longer be "The Mystery." Certainly not. Why after over 2,000 years should this divine truth still be a mystery so far as ninety-nine per cent of God's people are concerned? Can you answer this question? It is true that the devil doesn't want any one to understand or even study this divine truth. But is not God's will to be desired by Christians more than Satan's? Doesn't God's power exceed the devil's power? Satan is mighty. God is almighty. Genuine spiritual Christians know that God's power exceeds Satan's power.

But let's take an inventory. As we take in the world-wide political situation, the distress of nations, with even the so-called Christian nations on the verge of bankruptcy and destruction, we may wonder that Satan has such power after 2,000 years of Christianity. But we believe that Satan knew what he was talking about in Luke 4:6 when he told the Lord Jesus that the kingdoms of the world were under his control. The Lord was right when He called Satan "the prince of this world."

When we consider the millions and millions of people of the world religiously, and see what the devil has done to them, surely we give a hearty "Amen" to the statement of I John 5:19, "the whole world lieth in [the evil one]." In his tricks to keep sinners away from the saving gospel of Christ, Satan is called "the god of this [age]" (II Cor. 4:3,4). To accomplish his purpose with people who want some kind of a so-called Christian religion, the devil transforms himself into an angel of light and instructs his servants to pretend that they are missionaries of Christ (II Cor. 11:13-15).

Then let us consider what the devil has done with Church members who are actually members of Christ's Body, God's one and only Church today. Note God's instructions in Ephesians 4:3-6:

"Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one Body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all."

Meditate"the unity of the Spirit." Where is it found? One faith, one hope of your calling, one baptism. One Body. How many sects and denominations? Several hundred. How many bodies? One Body. Note Ephesians 1:20-23:

"Which He wrought in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and set Him at His own right hand in [the heavenlies]. Far above all principality and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: and hath put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be the Head over all things to the Church, which is His Body, the fulness of Him that filleth all in all."

Christ is in the heavenlies. Christ is the one Head of His one and only Church, which is His Body, "the fulness of Him that filleth all in all."

No matter how loyal, zealous sectarians may defend and contend for their denominational churches, the student of the Word of God knows that "denominationalism" is absolutely unscriptural. There is one, and only one, true Bible Church and that Bible Church is denominated, The Body of Christ, "the fulness of Him that filleth all in all." In Ephesians 3:6 that one Church is called the "Joint-Body" (see the Greek).

Members of Christ's Body are seated with Christ in the heavenlies and are blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenlies (Eph. 2:6 and 1:3). One reason why God wants all men to see "The Mystery" is expressed in Ephesians 3:10,11:

"To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in [the heavenlies] might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The Mystery then, is divine truth concerning "the heavenlies" and "according to the eternal purpose which God purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord." By searching the Scriptures we find that this divine message was not in fulfillment of prophecy, but was a spiritual program predestinated by God before the foundation of the world.

We have seen how Satan works politically as "the prince of this world"; how, as "the god of this age" he blinds the unbeliever to keep him from believing the gospel of salvation. In Ephesians 6:11-20 we learn of Satan's spiritual wickedness in the heavenlies, his opposition to the message and the messenger of "The Mystery," divine truth concerning the heavenlies. Note Ephesians 6:11,12:

"Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places [in the heavenlies]."

And note Ephesians 6:19,20:

"And [pray] for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak."

Why was Paul a prisoner of Rome? Hear his own words: for "the mystery of the gospel." Read this again in Colossians 4:3,4 and hear his testimony in Ephesians 3:1-3:

"For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles. If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God, which is given me to you-ward: how that by revelation He made known unto me the Mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words)."

Note God's Word in Ephesians 3:9:

"And to make all men see what is the [dispensation] of the Mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God."

Here we see "the dispensation of the grace of God" and the dispensation of the Mystery are linked together. This glorious truth was made known by revelation to the Apostle Paul, who became the prisoner of Jesus Christ for the Gentiles. Do we appreciate what he suffered for us? Let's get into the Book and try to understand the message for which he suffered.

While Paul knew that religious men were opposed to "The Mystery" and were determined that he should not preach that divine truth, he knew that he was not wrestling against flesh and blood; that his real opponent was the devil as the ruler of world darkness in the heavenlies.

Paul wrote in II Corinthians 4:3 and 4 that Satan blinded minds. But note his request for a very specific prayer in Ephesians 1:17,18:

"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that ye may know what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints."

Paul did not want minds blinded to "The Mystery." He knew that it required a special spirit of wisdom and revelation to comprehend that particular glorious truth.

Yes, the devil succeeded in getting Paul in jail for "The Mystery," bound as an evil doer unto chains. But from his prison cell he wrote: "The Word of God is not bound."

God wants you to know and to make known this glorious truth...which should have ceased to be a mystery more than twenty centuries ago.

This article originally appeared in the Berean Searchlight, the free monthly magazine of the Berean Bible Society. For over 60 years, the Berean Bible Society has been proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery.

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