Thursday, April 2, 2009

Weight Loss Instrument of Torture and Demotivation

When we are trying to lose weight there are many things that can so easily demotivated us. Our motivation can be tripped up by a throw away remark, a negative thought of a craving for the things we tell ourselves we shouldn't have.

There is one thing though that is guaranteed to demotivated most people, far more than it ever motivates - the weighting scales. How many times do you hop on the scales in a week, or even a day for that matter?

Weight is the measurement on which your motivation depends if you possess that terrible instrument of torture - the weighing scales! Used daily it does more damage to the psyche than any other instrument. If it does not deliver the expected weight loss you want, the effects are devastating...

~ Emotional turmoil;

~ A feeling of failure;

~ A reinforcement of the belief you are 'Not Good Enough';

~ Increased unhappiness and stress;

~ A reversal of healthy eating for comfort eating;

How crazy is that? We even allow ourselves the experience of public weighing sessions in an attempt to motivate ourselves to lose weight. This weekly ritual at the local slimming club only lasts, as a motivator, for the period our weight loss meets our projected expectations. We can so often feel demotivated even when we have lost weight. When that 1 lb loss is less than the expected 2 or more pounds even the weight loss consultant can tell us we need to try harder!

Isn't it time to start...

Measuring life by happiness and not weight;

Measuring size by inches not pounds;

Measuring health by energy and fitness not BMI;

Eating for love of self and not for comfort?

What would it be like to rule our lives by the use of a scale of happiness? We would certainly feed on life experiences that brought us joy. We would look for more things each day to fill us up with joy. We would search out the people in our lives that brought us joy. We would appreciate our lives far more and live them to the full.

Gone would be the focus on weight and food. The remarkable thing is that you can still lose weight by this change of focus. How? Well, the fact is that when you are happier your motivation stays high and there is no need to comfort eat.

So, really can find the weight you were born to be without the instrument of torture - the weighing scales!

Chrissie Webber is a published author and weight management motivation coach. Through her online company she offers support, motivation and re-parenting to the 95% - 97% of dieters who are still struggling to find the weight they were born to be. Her web site and blog offer motivation 'Keys' that help children, parents and adults discover a life without guilt, shame and self-loathing. To learn/relearn the skills of 'Conscious Eating' and how to live in harmony with food and nature become an online member today:

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