Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Deal With the Number One Creativity Drain - Anger

My sister and I were having a conversation a while back about how draining anger is and in the middle of the conversation I said it also robs you of your creativity. We both had a "Yep, that's true," kind of moment as the truth of this statement sunk in.

I'd never said anything like that before, but the instant it came out of my mouth I knew that it was absolutely true.

At its core, creativity is all about problem solving; creating a positive solution to or for something. Anger, on the other hand, is all about festering deeper into negativity. In fact, many times when we get angry we do things we regret because we say we just weren't thinking clearly. Creativity requires clear thought. The channels of creative thought need to be cleared of the debris that anger will leave clogging up your path. Debris like: Bad attitude, negative thoughts, repulsive energy, retaliation, and fear. Well, you might be saying, angry people come up with creative solutions to their problems as well. My answer is, yes you're right they do; but I'm talking about creating that brings more abundance to yourself and to others as well.

Of course in life there will be things that happen that cause us to experience the deep range of our emotions. In my opinion as we grow and become more conscious our job is to manage these emotions.

Not to long ago I found myself in a situation that had me angry. I was literally seeing red. I started spinning my wheels I was so angry. I was ranting on and on about it for a day or so until a thought crossed my mind: "You've really got to stop building a fortress of anger. Be disappointed, deal with that and move on." That was my aha moment. I was creating a sanctuary of anger that would keep me locked in that state if I wasn't mindful. No forward motion. No creativity available to come up with positive solutions to keep me on track no matter what.

In that moment realized that what I needed to experience and express was the disappointment and then move on, which I did. This is how I now continue to choose to deal with situations that upset me. I experience the disappointment, & move on to an attitude of "Now what can I do to move myself forward." In fact, when you raise that question that's when creative thinking will be at its absolute best.

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Let God Handle It

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