Thursday, April 30, 2009

Help Others by Helping Yourself First self-help video

Make Sure You're in the Right State of Mind before You Start to Help Other People, maybe you should watch this video, it could change your life by changing your thinking.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing and personal development.

Would you still be reading this article, if you had no desire, for better life. Find out more by visiting a place to develop some life changing skills .

Time Off With Backyard Vacations

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How to Deal With the Number One Creativity Drain - Anger

My sister and I were having a conversation a while back about how draining anger is and in the middle of the conversation I said it also robs you of your creativity. We both had a "Yep, that's true," kind of moment as the truth of this statement sunk in.

I'd never said anything like that before, but the instant it came out of my mouth I knew that it was absolutely true.

At its core, creativity is all about problem solving; creating a positive solution to or for something. Anger, on the other hand, is all about festering deeper into negativity. In fact, many times when we get angry we do things we regret because we say we just weren't thinking clearly. Creativity requires clear thought. The channels of creative thought need to be cleared of the debris that anger will leave clogging up your path. Debris like: Bad attitude, negative thoughts, repulsive energy, retaliation, and fear. Well, you might be saying, angry people come up with creative solutions to their problems as well. My answer is, yes you're right they do; but I'm talking about creating that brings more abundance to yourself and to others as well.

Of course in life there will be things that happen that cause us to experience the deep range of our emotions. In my opinion as we grow and become more conscious our job is to manage these emotions.

Not to long ago I found myself in a situation that had me angry. I was literally seeing red. I started spinning my wheels I was so angry. I was ranting on and on about it for a day or so until a thought crossed my mind: "You've really got to stop building a fortress of anger. Be disappointed, deal with that and move on." That was my aha moment. I was creating a sanctuary of anger that would keep me locked in that state if I wasn't mindful. No forward motion. No creativity available to come up with positive solutions to keep me on track no matter what.

In that moment realized that what I needed to experience and express was the disappointment and then move on, which I did. This is how I now continue to choose to deal with situations that upset me. I experience the disappointment, & move on to an attitude of "Now what can I do to move myself forward." In fact, when you raise that question that's when creative thinking will be at its absolute best.

And now I invite you to join me for my weekly teleseminars to learn about the 6 Essential Skills for maintaining your motivation no matter what's going on. Visit to sign up and receive the schedule.

Download a free motivation enhancement tip sheet by visiting & signing up for my newsletter to learn how to live your personal best and maintain your motivation mojo no matter what's going on! For the past 15 years Denise Hart has been teaching women how to discover success strategies in record time that improve the bottom line in all areas of their lives & offering free weekly teleseminars, as well as online courses with a workshop environment.

Let God Handle It

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Jack Canfield

Creating super habits are easier than you could ever imagine. Most people have something they would like to change in their lives. If you ask anyone, they are usually able to answer this question, "If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change." All the self help and personal development programs and Books available today are full of useful information that nobody seems to take advantage of. You've seen the TV commercials and listen to other people tell their stories, about how they lost weight.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Religious Education And Fear

The 7 Principles of Spiritualism

Spiritualism does not have its basis in a bible or a rigid set of beliefs. There is no dogma attached to how a Spiritualist lives their life.

One of the main attractions to Spiritualism for me was that there were no hard and fast rules, I was not expected to attend specific services, nor take part in any ceremony or rite of passage. Spiritualism is about how you live your life and about how you view the greater scheme of things.

The 7 Principles are as below:

  • The Fatherhood of God

In this, our first principle, we talk about 'God' as being a Creative Force, the power and inspiration behind all nature and the driving force behind all of the Universe as it has been and is today.

  • The Brotherhood of Man

If we are all emanating from one Divine source we must all be of the same family, we must, within our heart and soul be one brotherhood. We should be looking beyond what we see with our eyes and take heed of what we feel in our hearts to help the spiritual needs of others because by helping others you are helping yourself to achieve your true purpose.

  • The Communion of Spirits and the Ministry of Angels

Spiritualism seeks to prove the continuation of life after death, a furtherance of our Spirit. In Spiritualist churches you will find demonstrations of mediumship and healing, all from that Divine source. This is really what I think of as one of our main principles. We commune with our Spirit friends, loved ones and relatives as do the Angels minister to us.

  • The Continuous Existence of the Human Soul

The essential energy, the force behind us, the 'matter' that we are cannot die. Upon death we revert to what we really are - Spirit. When we shed our physical body our Spirit is still there, making us the same 'person' we were prior to passing. This can be demonstrated in Spiritualist churches by mediums who give evidence of character traits that are still present after what we term as death has occurred.

  • Personal Responsibility

To me this is our second main principle. Life to Spiritualists is about accepting that which you have thought, said or done, that has caused harm or upset to another. We largely make our own destinies and are responsible for the outcome of our spiritual growth here on earth. Our personal responsibilities do not stop at death, in order for our soul to continue to evolve we must act in a manner that proves we are still responsible.

  • Compensation and Retribution hereafter for all Good and Evil Deeds done on Earth

Expect to be done as you have done to others, do not expect gladness in return for sadness. You are the reality that you create, you are the reflection in the life that surrounds you. Expect to repay, whilst here on earth, that which is an unacceptable action, thought or deed. There is no forgiveness, no all knowing or all seeing force that absolves our sins on passing to Spirit.

  • Eternal Progress open to every Human Soul

However you have conducted your life, there is always room to expand once you have realised your misgivings. Simply realise that the more progress you make spiritually whilst on earth means the more advanced you will be upon reaching the Spirit world. Stop what you have done if you feel you have not been the change you wish to see, there is always opportunity for progression.

I am a Clairvoyant Medium and have strong beliefs in Spiritualism as a philosophy and a science. I use my natural abilities to tune into Spirit and pass messages on to those bereaved. I am based in Surrey, U.K. and can offer 1-2-1 sittings, a telephone reading or postal. Please visit my website at to see which suits you best and to read a little more about me.

Game Of Life And How To Play

Spiritual Meditation Technique - Manifest Your Desires With Law of Attraction!

It seems like every other day I'm asked to reveal a New Meditation Technique. Meditation can be used for different purposes, but for the sake of this article, I will cover a simple but very powerful meditation technique that harnesses the Law of Attraction in a unique way. I rarely use the term "Law of Attraction" because more often than not, it creates a limited awareness and understanding of how it works.I feel itsmore appropriate to call it "The Laws of Mind."

Your mind is what does the attracting. Think about it for a moment. Can you think of anything you do that your mind has nothing to do with. There is absolutely nothing you can possibly do without the mind. That is the main reason why the term "Law of Attraction" creates so much confusion. There are countless products on the market dealing with that limited term. Take your mind away, and you will not exist, period!!

Ok Lets get to this little but Powerful Meditation Technique I promised you. *Whatever you do, do not take the simplicity of this technique for granted. I use this technique time and time again, and it never fails me.

Close your eyes and Imagine yourself as the space around you. Yes, imagine that your entire being is filling up all the space around you. ** You may not see how this connects but over time you will. Ninety nine percent of the Universe is space and the rest is matter. Anybody involved in Quantum physics or Rocket science already knows this ascommon fact.

Now once you imagine yourself as the space around you, simply hold that in your imagination until you feel a sense of timelessness. *It usually takes me about 10 seconds. Could be longer for those new to Meditation. Once you feel a sense of timelessness, simply state whatever you desire to bring into your reality. Now, here's where it gets a little tricky but it's common for new users so don't worry.

At the time you say or think whatever your desire, pay close attention to your feelings. If you feel a little uneasy, it's a sign that you have a contradicting belief about your desires.(Meaning that you may not fully believe that your desire is possible.) Don't panic, because as you continue to do it daily, that uneasiness will fade away and be replaced with the belief that it is possible) *You don't have to force yourself to believe anything. This goes against what alot of Gurus are suggesting nowadays.

Now once you state or think of your desire, simply hold that feeling for another 10 seconds and completely drop it, turn on the tv and flip through the channels. It's done. Repeat this process as often as you like until your Manifestation occurs into your reality. There's no limit on how many times you can do this.

There are plenty of ways ( and more advance ways) to manifest your desires. This technique is just one of them.

Special Hint: You'll know that you're using the technique properly if and when your start seeing signs of it. These signs are called sychronicity. **Take careful note of that. I get most of my signs on television. I believe it's because watching television is such a common practice. I also see sychronicities in other places. There's no limit to where you see them. It is infinite. With your permission, I would like to keep you informed of other techniques as well as insight to manifest the Ultimate life of your dreams. It is my way of giving back to the Universe and it's Free! Click Here.

Pain And Pleasure With Attachmen

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Video Book Review - The Magic of Beleiving

I don't need to write anything, watch the video, well maybe, this is a wonderful book and I have an on audio. This book could change your life.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, More on Claude Bristol

Greg is currently working on a personal development library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Always Question Your Religion

A Child's Confession - Wisdom of a Guro

I want to take a moment to address something that has an effect on all of us. Not just children, but also adults. I want to take a moment and address that inner child that is in every adult. I want to address the issue of insecurity. This feeling of not being good enough. To look like a clown in front of others. To be afraid to make mistakes. The fear of failing. The fear of not knowing something well enough. The fear of looking stupid. The fear of dancing. The fear of being yourself.

This inner fear started somewhere during our childhood and has remained with us into adulthood. This inner fear we call insecurity keeps us from accomplishing our goals. It keeps us from getting ahead in a struggling world. It pulls us down from becoming happy. It stops us in our tracks from trying new adventures or even reaching our goals or setting new goals. This inner fear cripples us to a point where we feel and think we are not good enough to accomplish things on our own or to learn new skills. It stops us from just trying something, anything new.

People who are insecure feel as though they must please others so they (the insecure) can get the approval from others to try something new without worry of ridicule.

This insecurity or inner fear prevents us from making new friends or getting into new relationships. It can also push us into bad relationships we will regret later. This insecurity (inner fear) can cause us to make bad business decisions that can affect our welfare for not just us but for our families as well.

A Child's Confession - Wisdom of a Guro

I have been teaching martial arts since the 1970s and it has been quite a journey for me.

Through the martial arts I have learn much about myself. Through the martial arts I have learned a lot about other people as well. What I call natural and the common sense of reading people; others might call it psychic abilities. I say this is just wisdom gathered over the years of trying to understand myself and my interaction of others who share this planet with me.

What I have come to take notice during my lifetime on this planet so far and up to this point in time I will share with you here and now openly.

I have been really listening to all my students for the past ten years now more clearly than I ever could have listened before. I'm not sure why this new ability has awakened in me, this ability to hear deeper and clearer, but it just did and I am thankful for it.

I have been listening to my kids in my Kids Martial Art classes talk. What I hear is sad. I hear them say to me all the time that they are not worthy. I hear them say to me that they are not good enough. Now I have not only noticed this in the Kids and Teenagers class but also in the Adults class. I have seen a common thread that links all of us together, children - teenagers - adults, a common thread of thought that has brought us to live our lives for the belief or care of what others might think or do think of us. We become crippled so badly that we waive our own rights of happiness in favor of what others may think of us.

When teaching all ages I have come to notice what people say to me. I have noticed how they use their hands while they are explaining themselves. I watch their body language and facial expressions while they talk and I listen to the level of vibrations in their voice. Also I hear the volume of when their voice rises or falls when using certain key words. These key words when coupled with their body language are what set off my mind to start me taking notice that there is a problem that needs my attention. This is what I call the Wisdom of the Guro.

Here is an example of what I mean.

One child confessed to me that he is not too bright and is in fact stupid. This hurt me deeply to

hear such a young child say such a thing about himself. I asked him where he heard such a thing.

He said my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, my cousins, my friends even his school teacher. He mentioned that the only place he did not hear this was in my school and in my presence. So everywhere else he travels he was made to believe he is stupid and not worthy of anything.

I was taken aback by this and went against the grain and told him he is a very bright individual.

Also I mentioned that he should not accept words like this because he will start believing in these words over a period of time and it will have ill effects on him when he grows up into an adult.

I have recently had a talk with his parents and they did not recognize or know that they were causing this kind of effect on their child. I told them that they needed to speak with the school teacher as well and other family members to figure out how and what they say to this child.

They are destroying this young mind before it even can get a chance to grow into something positive. I explained to the parents that what they have been doing they have actually learned from their parents and without knowing it, they are actually keeping the chain going strong with their family now.

I have heard adults tell me the reason they can't train with me now is because they don't have what it takes to be able to do what I am teaching them or sharing with them. They lack coordination to do the drills at hand.

My question to these adults is, "What else are you stopping yourself from experiencing in life because of the belief of lack of coordination, the lack of knowing how to do something or fear of what everyone will think? Is that really the reason to stop living and doing what makes you happy?"

Are you really afraid of what others may think of you if you make a mistake or look foolish in front of them?

This fear all starts in childhood. You wear something that your parents don't like and they tell you so and make you afraid by saying "Do you want your friends to think badly of you?"

I say tell your friends who think like this to go get lost and start living your own life and let out your spirit.

Start enjoying your life now. Stop caring what others may think of you and be happy.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes and try something new. After all, our reason for being here on this planet is to experience life. Why not go and get the best experience you can before it is too late and life comes to an end for you or passes you by.

Martial art is a great way to learn to express yourself and grow your confidence.

As long as your martial art teacher fosters this approach of allowing you to be yourself and unfortunately there are many out there who do not.

Start checking in with yourself and paying attention to yourself. Start questioning all of the reasons why you have not enjoyed yourself or taken on new adventures in life. Why are you afraid?

Question everything.

I can go deeper on this subject but your eyeballs will fall out with all the reading you would be doing J Come to class & I will be happy to talk with you and explain more.

Bring a troubled friend. Give them the gift of freedom of soul through martial training.

Hope to see you all in 2009 in the Dojo.

NOW --

Don't Worry - Be Happy! And Experience life!

Please write to me with any questions you may have.

Sensei Peter Freedman is the Founder of the Freedman Method Ketsugo Jujutsu System and Guro Director of the Boston Arnis Club. Sensei Freedman is also a trained reiki master and healer with over 43 years of martial arts experience, Sensei Freedman intends to teach, practice, and study Jujutsu for the rest of his life.

Monday, April 27, 2009

5 Truths About Yoga Workout Programs

People perceive Yoga Workout routines to be effective and preventive therapy by nature. Aside from the fact that it has successfully treated health troubles the natural way, it is becoming a fad as fitness workout that burns fat and strengthens muscles.

More and more fitness buffs have appreciated the concept of body, mind and spirit harmonizing to achieve greater wellbeing. The 5 Truths about Yoga Workout Program give you the reasons to adopt it as an exercise strategy:

1.Yoga therapy is a holistic approach to treat diseases such as asthma, sinusitis and even emotional trauma. Stress and mental troubles are addressed when you try to unify your mind, body and spirit. Breathing in and out while stretching those body parts is a way to release stress and bad vibes. These are employed in yoga.

2.Yoga therapy is a fusion of modern approach and traditional technique. The traditional way of no-equipment workout and modern means of surrounding yourself with therapeutic aroma and hip music while executing the yoga stress all govern your way towards healthy lifestyle.

3.Yoga therapy upholds to the idea that when one gets sick, there is bodily imbalance and disturbance. Illnesses don't attack without certain reasons behind them. Your sickness is caused by body and mind complexities. There is the root cause underlying beneath. That's how yoga therapy approach is.

4.The six steps of yoga comprise of right posture, correct breathing, proper cleansing, healthy diet and consistent mindset. They revitalize and relax your body muscles and internal organs while calming the mind. As you do yoga, your endocrine glands are stimulated and toned down. Your breathing is also normalized. Since most illnesses are related to wrong food choices, modifying it can restore you system. In yoga, your tension is also lessened.

5.Yoga is a form of meditation that balances your mind and elevates concentration. It instills strength, cell stability and chakra power. When performed correctly plus right mindset, you will be able to get rid of psychosomatic troubles. Every session utilizes the act of meditation to harmonize body, mind and spirit which is the healthiest approach to gain optimum wellness. Yoga therapy eliminates toxins that are accumulated for quite some time. Biochemical substances in some affected body areas are also awaken.

With yoga workout, you need to be very prompt and consistent with the steps. Proper state of mind and constant practice will get you attuned to this fitness approach. In certain duration of embracing this form of exercise, you will feel lighter, more peaceful and healthier. You will be able to reduce your chances of getting ill because your body is ultimately protected and strengthened. Effectiveness of yoga addresses the gap between mind and body, which can even heal chronic diseases in the long run.

Finding the perfect Workout Routines takes time and effort. These best workout routines is a great place to start if a person is interested in flat abs. The P90X workout routines is also another workout that will help develop flat abs.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Affirmation Behind the Affirmation

Affirmation -- the process of making our desires and needs "firm" in the world -- through language. At the outset, it seems clear enough. You just identify what you want and create a statement that affirms it. Clear enough, that is, until you really sit down to figure out what you want. That's where things can get tricky. It's the place of the affirmation behind the affirmation.

Let's get right to the point. Do you want what you want for its own sake? Or because you expect it will get you something else?

* Janie said that more than anything else, she wanted to lose weight. Yet when you'd talk with her, what she really wanted was to be more attractive to a partner. She assumed that being heavy was her main obstacle to attracting the loving and devoted partner she so desired.

* Sue also said that more than anything else, she wanted to lose weight. Sue was in her 30's and on a limited budget. She was also on some fairly pricey high blood pressure medication. Sue was concerned about the state of her health. If she had to start on those heavy meds this early in life, what was going to be the long-term effect on her health? Sue wanted to lose weight for her health.

* Caroline said that more than anything else, she wanted to lose weight. She had two young kids and an active family. The extra weight she was carrying around made it difficult for her to participate fully in the family activities. Plus her back hurt. Caroline wanted to lose weight so she could feel more comfortable in her body and have a more involved relationship with her family.

Three people with the same goal -- to lose weight. You might expect that each of them would feel drawn to the same type of original affirmation: "My body is slim and light."

Yet behind the goal were three different reasons. Janie wanted to attract a loving partner, Sue wanted to improve her health, and Caroline wanted to relieve back pain and be more involved in her family's activities. There were three different affirmations to be found behind the original desire.

Janie, Sue, and Caroline can surely go ahead and affirm their slim, light bodies. Yet overall, their self-improvement programs will be richer if they also work with the background desires.
* Janie might add in a second affirmation like this one: "I easily attract my perfect partner now."
* Sue might add something like this: "My body is healthy and strong. All my organs work perfectly!"
* Caroline could consider adding in: "I am comfortable in my body." and "I enjoy participating in activities that bring our family joy."

Now take a look at your own life. What do you most want? Then ask yourself the next question. What do you expect to happen in your life as a result of accomplishing your first goal? That second question is the key to finding your affirmation behind the affirmation.

* So you want to make a bunch of money. Why? What do you expect to happen in your life as a result? Consider a few possibilities: to achieve financial security for your family, buy a new home or car, become debt-free, or buy your time back from your job.

* So you want to buy your time back from your job. Why? What do you expect to happen in your life as a result? Consider these possibilities: to spend more time with your family, rest, travel, or pursue an interest you are passionate about.

Are you starting to see the possibility here? Sure, go ahead and affirm that you've achieved the financial freedom that allows you to quit your job. And at the same time, affirm that you're slim and light, you live in a close-knit family, your life is balanced between work and play, and that you've successfully started that business that you've always dreamed about.

Your affirmations -- and your life -- will be all the richer.

Elizabeth Eckert coaxes, cajoles, and gently guides the creation of healing intent. She's the founder of and author of Word Cures: How to Keep Stupid Excuses From Sabotaging Your Health. Begin your self-talk makeover today -- it's simple healthy living

How Do I Know What The Universe

How I Became a #1 Amazon Bestseller!

When I first signed up for the Bestseller Campaign course, I created a list of affirmations for myself. I knew that this course would take months of dedication and hours of concentrated work. Many people said that it was very difficult to reach the #1 position, and that even so, why spend so much money on a course that would probably only lead to a few hundred sales, at best? But I kept affirming to myself, "I am a #1 bestselling author!"

So, I kept on collecting bonus gifts, and reaching out to JV partners month after month, personalizing each and every note, keeping in touch with everyone regularly to make sure that I established a good relationship with them, and hopefully ensure that they would come through with their promise of mailing for me on that day-as the secret to an bestseller campaign is to get a bunch of people to buy your book on a certain day, by offering them an incentive such as free bonus gifts. ((Finally, the big day came ... and the server crashed! I had 101 partners mailing out to their lists, over a million eyeballs-and the link didn't work! I was devastated! But due to the dedication and help of a team of amazing technical support people, I was able to move the campaign over to another server, and by 2:30 p.m. ET the campaign was back up and running. I kept saying my affirmations.

I reached #15 that day, in the Family Relationships category. It was a slight disappointment, because the folks teaching the class almost guaranteed a top ten spot. I chalked it up to the server crash. But I kept affirming. The next month, I heard back from Dr. Laura that she had chosen The Daughter-in-Law Rules to feature on her show as book of the week-and I was overwhelmed when the book catapulted up to #5! ((But I had my goals-I know I'm stubborn, but I still believed that I could make it to the #1 spot! So I kept saying my affirmations, over and over: "I am a #1 bestselling author!"

I was poking around Amazon one day, and realized that there was a category under Home and Garden, called Wedding Showers. I checked it out and it seemed as if the competition wasn't as steep there, and even more appropriate for my book! So I wrote to Amazon, and had The DIL Rules switched from Family Relationships to Wedding Showers. I kept writing to bloggers, asking them if they would be so kind to post about the DIL Rules. I kept the affirmation going.

On Monday, November 3, the DIL Rules hit #1 in Wedding Showers on! I did a little victory dance all day long! This was a yearlong process, and although I could have given up or quit, I kept on affirming.

Never give up on your dreams! Keep saying those affirmations and YOU WILL SUCCEED!

Please visit Sally "The Mother-in-Law Manager"
Shields, speaker and author of The Daughter-in-Law Rules on the web at for contest giveaways, free bonus gifts,The DIL Rules newsletter, 44 Top Tips Cheat Sheet, free music ... and more!

Fighting In Gods Name

Horizontal Or Vertical Drywall Application

Let's start with the basic eight-foot sheet of drywall. Most drywall contractors apply drywall horizontally however I have seen some contractors working with metal stud framing install 10 foot sheets of drywall vertically.

The reasons for installing the 10 foot sheets of drywall up and down or vertically in this situation are quite simple. There is no structural strength required in these walls because they are simply partitions dividing rooms and usually the drywall only needs to be finished up to 9 feet. This is the only time I have seen drywall ran vertically.

In a wood framed house the drywall actually adds a little sheer value to the home itself.

The manufacturer suggests installing eight-foot sheets of drywall horizontally. The horizontal application of drywall means installing the 4 foot side of the drywall up and down and the eight-foot side of the drywall side to side.

What is the reason for installing the 4 x 8 sheets horizontally?

When it comes to finishing the drywall the 4 foot seams that run up and down or vertical will not be as noticeable as a seam running up and down the entire wall. If you haven't read one of my last articles on eye level window setting then let me give you a brief eye level education.

A person 5'8" in height will be more apt to notice things between 4'6" off the ground and 6'6" off the ground. If we ran the drywall vertical there is a good chance the eyes would be able to pick up any finishing flaws in the drywall. Running the drywall horizontally will just put us a little out of range from the lower eye level of 4 foot six with our finish.

Another reason for installing the drywall horizontally is there is a good chance your eyes would be able to pick up four foot lines in the wall going from floor to ceiling quite easily. On older homes you will see lines in the ceilings about every 24 inches. This is because the plaster or drywall ceilings is starting to sag in between the ceiling joist.

These lines are difficult to do anything about once the drywall is finished. The only alternative you would have is to remove the ceiling and re-drywall and finish it.

Drywall ran vertically will tend to crack easier than staggered drywall ran horizontally. The four foot section of drywall is stronger than the 8 foot section. If you stagger your drywall breaks every four feet this will increase the strength of your wall as well.

Try not to break the drywall at any door openings. The door openings seem to crack easily from the corners working their way towards the ceiling. Let the drywall run over the doorway and then cut the doorway out leaving the rough door opening during wallboard installation.

If you have ever seen a house that was drywalled by a professional crew the waste is unbelievable. The reason for this is simply that the drywall contractor does not want to come back and patch cracks in the walls three or four years after he is done. It can be quite labor intensive installing scrap pieces of drywall versus using larger sheets to cover the same area.

Don't forget and always remember that. Horizontal installation of drywall is recommended by the manufacturer.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Faith Belief Or Education

What is the Key to Success?

Success is something that we all aspire to achieve in our lives. The more that we feel that we are successful, the better we will feel about or lives and our accomplishments. So, with that being said, what is the key to success? What can we do in order to guarantee that we will look back at our lives with pride and not disappointment?

As I said before, we want to feel successful. So what we really want to achieve is a feeling or emotion in our lives. Whatever you determine to be the source of your happiness will also be the source of your success. Happiness is one of those things that we all want to experience. So is love and enjoyment. If you can determine what will make you happy, you will be that much closer to guaranteeing that you find a way to experience that happiness.

And this will be what makes you successful.

For some people, their careers are their source of happiness and for others it is their families. Still, many others can find that their hobbies or interests are what make them feel good. Whatever it is, the more that you are in touch with what makes you feel filled with joy, the more accomplished you will ultimately see your life.

Know that you can achieve whatever you want. And if you want to live a complete and full life, it goes much deeper than just money or status. It includes the emotions and the feelings that you create in your life.

Learn how to attract love, money, or happiness or all three in YOUR LIFE NOW! Go to and SIGN up for the FREE newsletter and BOOKMARK the site and return as often as you can!

You can attract the life that you truly desire! All you have to do is learn HOW!

Law of Attraction Secrets

Bryan Appleton is an investor/entrepreneur who has dedicated himself to teaching others how to achieve their dream life. He is also a proud single father with one son.

You can publish this article as long as you leave it intact and in full as well as keeping the url link clickable.

You Have Got To Read This Book

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Someone Asked Me, "What's the Eastiest Way to Get Happy?" My Answer? Outsourcing

What a great topic this is to comment on. Everyone has her or his way of creating happiness. Right now, among about 3 other books, I'm reading Tim Ferriss's 4 Hour Work Week.

He makes a good point about "happiness". He defines it by posing the question, (and I'm paraphrasing here) "what would we consider the opposite of happiness to be... sadness? You'd think so, but no. The emotions of sadness and happiness are not all that different, really. Sometimes we can be both happy and sad about the same situation. The opposite of happiness is more like apathy or boredom. Therefore, true happiness, on the other end of the spectrum, should be closer to EXCITEMENT and enthusiasm." This idea really rings true for me.

So now I don't think so much about how I can make myself happy, which is kind-of an elusive thought. Instead I focus on how I can create positive excitement and genuine enthusiasm in my life by spending time with people and engaging in activities that inspire these feelings. How I can prioritize my life so that I'm putting my best talents and resources on my greatest opportunities (Robin Sharma, the author of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, often speaks to this.), those that are near and dear to me that I feel passionate about progressing. For me, it's anything having to do with designing my life through yoga and helping others to do the same. And any education or activity that helps me to do that better, to reach more people and create stronger relationships.

In reading this book I've learned a lot about outsourcing, leveraging, and creating time for what counts most... the things that bring us excitement. Whether that be travel, art, family, philanthropy, yoga, business, nature, our pets, whatever!

So in a nutshell, my philosophy (which was influenced by both of the aforementioned authors) on the easiest way to become happy is:

* Do what you love to do, and do it SO well that people HAVE to talk about you. Give 10 times what your students or customers expect and you'll create a buzz around town (and the Internet if you design it that way).

* Every so often, go on a rampage of gratitude, just for how good it makes you feel and what goodness it allows you to attract.

* Study and enhance your skill set on this one passion of yours for 2-4 hours a day and in 3-5 years, people will call you a genius... and your work will be influencing hundreds of lives.

* In return for adding value to the lives of others, for offering this talent or service you have meticulously developed, allow yourself to make enough money to pay others for the things you DON'T enjoy doing or don't have a talent in. Dan Sullivan, the Strategic Coach calls this "creating enough resources--money--to make YOUR problems someone else's problems." This is outsourcing; you pay others who DO enjoy those things (laundry, taxes, bookkeeping, cleaning, etc.) and you get them done while doing the things you DO enjoy. It's a win-win.

* Schedule mini-vacations and micro-adventures regularly. These don't have to cost an arm and a leg but they'll allow you to create priceless memories and experiences. Ideas: Go on weekend trips for fun once a month. Every week, do one thing that scares you. Twice a month take someone to lunch who you consider a mentor or expert in your field and absorb their knowledge. Once a year, design "the perfect day" for yourself and LIVE IT. Then do the same for each and every member in your family according to THEIR design.

* Eat living foods and use the full potential of your body and mind.

* Plan your week. What gets measured... progresses. Be accountable to yourself.

* Be accountable to others as well by creating a Mastermind team for regular meetings or discussion about your highest priority goals.

* And HERE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP YET... Do no spend a second of your time focusing on what you DON'T WANT. Instead, be grateful for the perfect contrast that creates the perfect storm in your life to bring about new and brighter conclusions, solutions, and perspectives. Life is about inhaling and exhaling, shifting and changing. Contrast is the spice of life that gives birth to new desires that we can then bring into being. That's the power of intentional creation. That's life by design rather than by default.

And that... well, that's all folks. Except for this quote about outsourcing to sum it all up.

"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone." -Henry David Thoreau, naturalist
Kris Ward is the Co-Founder of Trikaya Yoga LLC,
the first alternative leadership program to utilize yoga as the platform for creating a Personal Revolution.

Happiness - The Yin and Yang of Balance

Happiness is more of a dynamic and living energy than a static or dead state of mind, in my experience. Happiness is more of a balance between dark and light, heavy and light and other seemingly opposite states.

There is city living, like in NYC and then there is more rural, country living. The pace may be different in different places and you have a choice to move and travel. A prime way to live in peace and harmony is to realize polar opposites and find more appreciation for each side of the fence.

Hypnosis is a kind of communication between the different parts of the mind and body. The very rational, analytical brain appreciates logic and is very linear. ABC, 123.

The subconscious mind holds the emotions and the store house of hidden knowledge and power that to some people seems very dark, mysterious and frightening. It is more the place of the imagination and creative flow and is often very symbolic and loops from various stories and ideas and makes connections in fascinating ways.

Find out how you can strive for a better balance that helps you bounce back from difficulties. Learn to find more gratitude and balance and notice all the ways that your life improves.

In this article, I want to share with you some ways to find more true happiness. This will be more about feelings and living states and less about tips and techniques because I believe in walking my walk and talking my talk.

Many of my articles include tips and techniques and other times I write articles that are more about imparting feelings in others. This is easier to do in person, and so I enjoy the challenge of being able to do this in written form, as well.

From my point of view, happiness is more the ability to fully appreciate joy and ecstasy, while realizing there are flip sides to these pleasurable states, as well.

Even in a big city like New York, NYC you can find happiness and it is closer than you realize. A prime example is how something that seems perfect is not necessarily true or real or the best and how some quirk or imperfection can sometimes make all the difference. It just feels right to you and you know it.

Happiness is less about reaching a static state and more about becoming more dynamic and bouncing back from hardship and learning lessons that help you to grow and become an even better person.

Happiness is not a place as much as it is the energies you place around you and that you think about in your mind and feel in your body. Life is a process and so is happiness.

Acceptance is one of the master keys to any real happiness and so as you breath and read and consider which of these points helps you feel the best, you can continue to read onward...

For instance, have you ever noticed how some smiles really light up a room? Often they are not the cliched, picture perfect Hollywood white toothy grin. It is more about the energy of the person and how you can tell it is a real smile that gives the true smile its power to warm you.

The real smile warms you in its glow and as you bask in it you feel really good and happy without needing to know why. There is nothing wrong with having a beautiful, white, straight toothed smile as long as it also has this true warmth. Yet, often the most beautiful face has at least one so called flaw that makes it unique and somehow special.

So when I write the word "happiness" you can consider happiness in these terms and you may discover more happiness in your life and even more good feelings to come. (I am not saying that I am right or correct, yet some people would rather be right than happy)

Also, rather than the static, rosy colored glasses, and all fake smiles, you could realize more of a sense of self acceptance that will radiate outward to all those you meet.

Imagine, just for a moment, even as you are reading these words and wondering about their meaning...your meaning may become more meaningful as you realize more of a sincere and inner sense of calm acceptance, now and from now on...

Self acceptance flows with self respect and most good feelings and experiences flow from those dynamic states.

So from now on there could be the possibility for you to accept more love and happiness as you learn to love and accept more easily. In fact, the more you learn to accept yourself ( flaws and all ) the more you will learn to accept others, and the more they will feel this deeper understanding and wisdom and this will get you more and more happiness.

Some of the above words may have influenced you more than others, just as some people can make you feel better about yourself.

Imagine your life, from now on, where you become more of this type of person who makes others feel good about themselves. It could be that this will make you feel even better about yourself and make others feel even better in your presence and even just thinking about you will bring a real smile to their face and perhaps even make them happy, or happier, too :) Just some good suggestions...

Michael Twomey is a Success Coach and Prime Hypnotist in NYC. He has helped many people to change their habits, beliefs and improve their lives. He works in the tri-state are of NYC and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Simple Self-Help Tips

If you have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you will know how difficult it is to treat. Doctors can be dismissive of IBS symptoms such as diarrhea, constipation and bloating, and when treatment is offered it may only help for a short while before the distressing symptoms return.

Sufferers often find that they have to deal with the symptoms themselves, through self-help methods and supplements, rather than by using conventional medicines. However, this does not mean that there is no hope of improvement. By sharing their experiences, sufferers can learn a lot about what really helps to ease IBS.

All the self-help tips in this article have come from IBS sufferers who have found a way to control their irritable bowels. Before trying any form of self-help, please make sure that you have your doctors approval, and do check that anything you try will not interfere with any medication you are taking.

Calcium tablets

Linda, who suffers from severe diarrhea, says: What has helped me for more than two years is calcium carbonate, an over-the-counter supplement. I take three tablets a day, one at each meal. The most success has come from using any formula of calcium supplement that is like Caltrate 600 Plus with vitamin D and minerals. The only side effect is at the beginning of taking the calcium you may have some gas or indigestion, but this usually goes away after taking a regular dose for a few days.

If you suffer from constipation rather than diarrhea, you could try magnesium supplements instead, as these can have a slight laxative effect.

Digestive enzymes and probiotics

Kim, who also suffers from bad diarrhea, says: I tried taking digestive enzymes with acidophilus and found significant relief within three days. I am not afraid to eat now, but find that I still cannot eat very much refined sugar or high fibre vegetables. I have also added a cup or two per day of peppermint and chamomile tea. When I do have an episode it occurs late in the day and by the next morning I am feeling back to normal.

Looking at your diet

Laura describes how a close examination of her diet helped her IBS: I was placed on every kind of medication, and sometimes they worked in the short term, sometimes they didn't work at all. The doctor finally suggested trying to alter my diet in cycles, and we discovered that eating meat was my problem. I became a vegetarian and no longer have constant problems. Sometimes I even go years without any pain at all. It's worth all the effort you put into it when you finally feel better.

Mina also found that dietary change helped control her symptoms, alongside traditional medication: I've made a number of changes to my diet. I've eliminated milk and mostly any dairy, fried foods, sugar for the most part, pop, alcohol, potato chips, spic10FAy food, rice, pasta and bread. Most recently I'm eliminating flour. But my best friend for the last couple of years has been Imodium Quick Dissolve tablets. I don't ever leave home without them. I just have to make sure I don't overdo it. If I ever become immune to the wonder drug I am gonna be a real mess!


Watching your diet is sometimes not enough to completely control the symptoms, and natural or herbal supplements can help, as Marion discovered: After about six months of a horrendously restrictive diet (ultra low-fat vegan with no raw veggies or fruit except banana) and a lot of Metamucil, I managed to get it sort of under control. But if I deviated from the diet, the chronic diarrhea would come back. Someone I met told me that she had helped her IBS by taking a tablespoon of freshly ground flaxseed with a glass of water or juice every morning.

I thought it was another crackpot cure, but eventually I decided to try it. She had told me that pre-ground flaxseed didn't work because flax seed starts to oxidize as soon as you grind it and that whole flax seeds are no good either, because they cannot be digested properly. After years of IBS, in about two weeks it just went away. I cannot believe that I now have perfectly normal, regular bowel movements.

Fiber, water and yoga

Pam, who struggles with constipation, has developed a combination of things which work for her: I drink Metamucil (psyllium fibre) every day and try to relax, pray or meditate, even do a little yoga. The more I make myself relax and take time to de-stress the better I can manage my problem. I know time for yourself is very hard to come by sometimes but I have to if I'm going to manage this. I try to drink at least three bottles of water a day. This is also hard sometimes but I have to take care of me the best I can. I also take a mild anti-depressant. This has helped a bunch in my stress department and in turn has helped my IBS.

Stress and IBS

Daniel believes that his symptoms are related to his emotions and stress: I thought that when I was stuck on the toilet, experiencing the most severe cramps, thinking I was about to pass out from the pain, feeling like I was about to throw up, I was the only one. I'm still trying to work it out but I believe it has a lot to do with my psychological state. I say this because although I don't get too stressed out at any one moment, I do have general worries about money and life. I tend to find when I'm not worrying about these things I don't get the pain as much, if at all.

It's easier said than done of course, I can't just stop worrying about money or my future, but being aware of these things seems to help - being optimistic and knowing that everything is only temporary. I have been taking Colpermin (peppermint capsules) as a preventative which often helps and for a while I took painkillers which I think helped.

Soluble versus insoluble fiber

Some nutritionists believe that IBS sufferers intestines react differently to soluble and insoluble fiber, and this has been Stus experience: After trying all kinds of drugs and healthy eating, my pains were still there. I found by accident that it wasn't so much what I ate but whether I ate it on a full stomach or not. My failsafe is pasta on an empty stomach, I get no reaction - it is soluble fibre that settles the colon apparently. I quickly searched on the internet for recipes high in soluble fibre and I have improved.

Most significantly though I am on no medication and this puts me in control of the IBS, not the other way around. I think this is important as stress certainly can trigger the symptoms off. I don't avoid insoluble fibre as it is essential for the body, but I recommend that you eat it on a full stomach.

Sophie Lee has suffered from IBS for more than 15 years. She runs the IBS Tales website at where you can read hundreds of personal experiences of IBS and self-help tips.

Believing In Religion Do You Feel Inforned - Movie Video

Are you one of those who believed in your religion wholeheartedly and never has doubted it. Watch this video to gather some more information about questioning your religion.

Spiritual Christian and Create a Wonderful Life For Yourself And Your Family. Greg Vanden Berge is one of the best inspirations on the planet. You will be hearing a lot about this guy in the future. You can count on it.

Achieving The Goals You Set
Buels Manual Of Self Help

When You Think it is Time to Give Up Your Goals

February is for many the month of disappointment. The days are beginning to get longer, but winter is still far from over. The enthusiasm with which many entered into plans, goals, hopes and resolutions for the new year is for many wearing thin. Surveys have shown that by mid-February the majority of people who set new goals at the new year have abandoned them. The holidays of the month: Valentine's Day, Mardi Gras, Chinese New Year; are largely meant to cheer up the disillusioned and disappointed. All too often, February is the month for giving up the new year's goals.

There are many books and web pages of advice out there for those considering giving up their goals. They stress GOAL REPLACEMENT, replacing the abandoned goal with another more realistic and attainable. But what is more important with this process of giving up goals is not so much WHAT you do, but HOW you do it. The thing of primary importance in the issue of goal setting is to be in a centered position when deciding about it.

Any way you look at it, the examples offered by society at the New Year are a far cry from the centered position. The New Year's Eve celebration calls for something far from a centered position; and unfortunately it is from an off center place in themselves that most people set new year's goals and resolutions. The best way to do these things is of course from a centered position but, next best is to evaluate whether to abandon them or stay with them from a centered position.

What would this evaluation from a centered position look like? First, it involves dialog with all the parts of yourself that participated, or should have participated, in setting the goals in the first place. Because some of those parts would not have wanted to set them, or set them at quite the same place, or in the same way. The judgmental parts are going to be saying 'I told you so!' but the nonjudgmental parts, the Aware Ego, are going to ask 'where do we go from here?' - the same question they asked, or tried to ask, back at the beginning of the year. But the only significant thing they can do is ASK NOW.

In some cases you will have to abandon goals, because they ARE unrealistic. But in others, the disappointment, the frustration may be arising only out of guilt in realizing the off-center way you committed to the goals in the first place. All failures, indeed all life, is a learning experience. And all things happen for a reason.

Accountability - a process of asking and answering certain questions

Goal replacement is a process of taking accountability. In our definition for accountability, that consists of asking and answering four questions:

First, what worked? It's easy to say: nothing worked. But if you look objectively at the situation, something, possibly only something minor, did if fact work.

Second, what did not work? Usually it is easy to come up with a list of that.

Third, what did you learn in all of this? Again, you need to be in that centered position to answer that one substantially.

Fourth, now what would you do differently next time? There are those who say that this final question is really the first and only question to answer. But really, you need the answers to the first three to substantially answer this last one.

Copyright (c) 2009 Dave Smart

Dave Smart, the lead coach for Transcendence Coaching, has had extensive education and experience in coaching, and is well acquainted with centered and off-center places in himself and others, and their impact on goal setting. He is ready to coach those frustrated with their goals and looking for the place to start anew. Check out Transcendence's website:

Precision Vision

Most people can agree that in order to intentionally get anything done; you must have some type of idea what you want. The only thing that comes from not having some type of vision of a specific outcome would seem to be random happenings. Some people take it as far as, "If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail." Though the word 'fail' is more of a judgment; this saying points toward a truth.

There have been many great achievers and people of natural talent that have spoken of the power of imagination and vision. Intuition and inspiration have played the major role in human innovation and creativity. The concept of, "seeing the ending at the beginning," is often spoken of by the people we collectively recognize as great, through out history.

"First I dream my painting, then I paint my dream."
-Vincent van Gogh

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
-Martin Luther King Jr.

"A goal is a dream with a deadline."
-Napoleon Hill

"The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision."
-Helen Keller (American author and educator who was blind and deaf)

Of course, if you go look on your own; you will find tons of other quotes by great people that point to the same truth. It really is part of the formula of any type of success. Having a vision of your goal is inseparable from intentionally reaching them.

Though having a vision of a desired out come might sound as if it contradicts the teachings of ego detachment and being in the present moment; it actually supports them. We have a paradox.

Not always mentioned, but also absolutely necessary with visualization, is the feeling of the experience that goes along with the visual. This feeling is the monumental ingredient of actually materializing a vision. When you feel anything, you can only feel it in the present moment. All power remains in the present.

When the ego is quiet and there are no stressful attachments; there is more of a sense of being in tune with everything; which is actually being more in tune with your true self. As a result, when we are in this higher consciousness, clarity enables us to see a higher purpose for our existence. This usually involves touching other peoples lives in a significant way. It is always a purpose of a greater good. It is easy to see that it goes far beyond an egoic source and egoic gratification.

Though the journey and the destination are really one in the same; it is vision that allows for this realization.

AUTHOR: Motivational, inspirational, and spiritual; self-help instrctor C. Om specializes in teaching real people how to eliminate stress and suffering from their lives. To get instant access to his powerful and yet simple solutions for a great and rewarding life right now, regardless of your life situation, visit: the daily blog What Is Really Good?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Effective Goal Setting - There's No Need to Cheat Death to Appreciate Life

If you narrowly avoided death, how different would life be? Would you set any meaningful goals?

We know from the media interviews how many of the 155 passengers and crew aboard US Airways Flight 1549 answer this question. Every one of them survived landing in New York's icy river in what has become known as the Miracle of the Hudson, thanks to their amazing pilot, Captain Chesley Sullenberger.

Taking off from La Guardia Airport on a routine journey to Charlotte, North Carolina, their plane suffered a bird strike at 3,200 feet, knocking out both engines and, effectively, turning it into a 77-tonne glider that was dropping at 18 feet a second. At 500 feet, the passengers were told: "Brace for impact."

Some prayed while others phoned or sent text messages to loved ones. When they survived the impact, they feared they might die in the water.

Those who shared their story acknowledged that life would be different from this point. A common comment was that they had been "touched by a miracle" that had told them they still had much to do with their lives. They had important goals. One passenger seized her "second chance" telling interviewers shortly after the incident that she and her husband had registered to adopt a child.

If these people didn't know how to make the most of life before that life-defining incident, they do now.

Paul McGee, international speaker, author and creator of the SUMO - Shut Up, Move On personal development programme, can relate to this. He recalls the time he went home for some sleep after his wife had an emergency operation. Medical staff said they would send a police officer if they needed him urgently.

At 3am, an officer knocked and Paul feared that his wife had been taken from him after only a year of marriage. The reality was different. His car had been stolen and abandoned. He went from despair to joy in seconds. The police officer could not understand why someone was rejoicing because their car had been stolen.

Paul said: "That reminded me of what is of real lasting value in my life. Possessions can be replaced, people can't. Creating and enjoying a brilliant life is something I want to experience with someone close to me."

"Focus on what is important. That is much harder to do when you haven't thought about what is actually important."

After that incident, he lost his job through chronic fatigue syndrome but fought back by starting his own successful business. "I am waking up to the fact that life is a privilege and with privilege comes responsibility," he added.

Paul has a final thought for readers of his book SUMO - the Straight Talking Guide to Creating and Enjoying a Brilliant Life.

"You may remember watching quiz shows when the contestant fails to win the main prize. At the end of the programme, the still-smiling quiz master proclaims: 'Look what you could have won.'

"At the end of my show on this planet, I don't want to be told: 'Look what you could have won, look what you could have done, look what you could have become."

Mervin Straughan runs, a free-to-use web site where goal setters are invited to declare their goals publicly and encourage others. The site offers advice on how to set goals and stay motivated.

Mervin is a management consultant and coach based in the United Kingdom where he runs StraughanConsulting - - which specialises in corporate communications, corporate social responsibility and corporate coaching.

Believing In Religion Video

I was reading a book on advertising when the author mentioned, "All Advertising Is about Hope."

Check out one of his recommended books, Read This Book

Greg is currently creating articles on religion filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Planting The Seeds Of Suggestion
Programming Yourself For Success

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spreading the Good Word of God Gently

The other day I was walking through the park when I saw a man, an extremely large man reading the Bible. I was minding my own business like I normally do in full observation mode, just simply enjoying life. When what I thought was a tree reading the Bible, moved and scared the crap out of me. This man was about 6'9" and look like he played professional football but when he spoke it was nonthreatening and very gentle.

Have you read the Bible he said. I thought to myself, you have got to be kidding me. Couldn't this person have been smaller and what's he going to do when I tell him that I have but no longer follow Christianity. I liked my face and the rest of my body, should I lie to this man to save my own life or would he be understanding about my beliefs.

I threw the dice out on the table and told him that I have read the Bible and do not believe it is the word of God, the Creator of the universe. I explained to him that, there is a lot of useful information and some wonderful stories in the Bible but that it could not completely be proven as factual information. I continued to explain to him that there was a lot of information in the Bible that contradicted itself and some that simply wasn't true.

He sat back down on the park bench and asked me to join him. I couldn't resist as I always have enjoyed talking about religion and ready to learn something about this man and why he is a Christian. He started to tell me about some recent events that have happened in his life, some bad, some worse and of course some that he didn't want to talk about. However, he did mention a trip to church a few Sundays ago that changed his life.

I was happy for him that he had found peace but explained to him that he is extremely vulnerable to anything right now that can make a little sense out of his life. Be careful I told him, because you could get caught up in something that feels and sounds good, only to find out later in life, that you have questions about Christianity that can't be answered.

I had a very pleasant conversation with this person and I believe he appreciated a few of the points I made. When people are down and out and their lives seem to be really messed up, they're extremely vulnerable to others religious beliefs, whether they're right or wrong.

Don't force your religious beliefs onto others, be kind and courteous to those who are on the edge and having difficulties in life. Explaining to them about your religion and how it has benefited you is wonderful but it might not be as beneficial to someone else. The next time you plan on converting someone who is down in the dumps, make sure that you understand your own religion before you pass false beliefs onto others.

It's like a cancer spreading through the body, most of the cancer cells don't know what they are doing or how much damage is going to be done until it's too late.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, You Can Have It All

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.

Jim Rohn Author Review

Is the Bible Accurate

I'm going to start with the first book of the holy Bible, Genesis chapter 1 verse one through five. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said," let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

If the Bible is historically accurate, did God actually create earth. I have been battling over this, my whole life. It's very easy for someone to accept and believe in any religion, government, other people or whatever they truly desire to make real. I see it every day of my life, open your eyes and you will see it to.

It's hard to imagine that a superior entity like God created everything that we touch and see. The moon itself is pretty big and the creation of the sun would prove to be a little more difficult, but if you're God and your all knowing and all powerful, he or she or it, must be one incredible being.

This is only the first couple of paragraphs in the Bible and there is no, I repeat no, historical accuracy to this event. It seems like God or man, whoever wrote the Bible, should have started the Bible with something a little more believable for people that live in the 21st century. It's not hard to imagine someone 2000 years ago, believing in something like this.

2000 years ago the Romans were worshiping their own gods, we might find this ridiculous today but back then the Romans would punish you if you didn't worship their gods. We are not too far from that today. If we don't stop organized religion and their influence on humanity, we're going to have serious problems in the future.

The biggest problem I foresee is common sense. If the Bible has 500 historical accurate facts that can be proven without a doubt by historians, scholars and other intelligent people, but has one thing that can't be explained, how do we handle this. How do we handle the fact that the Bible states God created light? If this is false, what else is false in the Bible.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Have you ever really ask yourself Who is, Jesus of Nazareth?

Greg is currently working on a Personal Power Ideas. If you're ever wondering why some people can achieve success, while others seem to struggle aimlessly, what would it hurt, to take a couple of minutes of your time, if you could actually find the truth.

Whose God is The Best

If you're part of a religious organization, and were asked this question, "Whose God Is Better" meaning of course, is your God better and stronger or smarter and better looking than the religious competition. Is this something that you believe or were taught while you were young? Obviously you wouldn't think that the Hindu god Brahma is better than Yahweh or Jesus, if you're a Christian. It just wouldn't make any sense to belong to a religion that was weaker than the competition.

It seems like most religions around the world have gods or even one almighty God that is the biggest and baddest god in the neighborhood, maybe even the entire universe.

If we look at the numbers, the Christian God Jesus of Nazareth is the strongest by far. A survey that was done in 2005, showed Christians 2.1 billion strong and growing. With numbers like this, their God must be doing something right. Do you think these numbers are large because of their financial influences in poor countries? Something to think about, how did Christianity become such a large religious institution. They've got plenty of money and pay relatively little taxes. Remember the golden rule, the person with the most gold makes all the rules.

Second on our religious scale are the Muslims, the Islamic religion has over 1.1 billion followers and that puts it at almost half the size of Christianity, but more than doubled the size of the third largest religion by the numbers.

The third largest religion in the world is Hinduism and most of India which is second only to China as the most populated countries in the world are Hindus. Hinduism ranks around 800 million followers.

I'll stop right there. I wanted to give you an idea of religion by the numbers, realistically the Christians and the Muslims believe in the same God but the Muslims recognize Jesus as a prophet and the Christians don't recognize Mohammad at all and Mohammad is the number one prophet for the Islamic religion. But if we put the two of them together, it would be the largest religion by far with almost no competition economically or with military strength.

So to answer our question," Whose God Is Actually Better", I would have to say the Christian God is the most popular and powerful God and the universe. The only problem is, there's no actual proof that Jesus, Mohammed, Yahweh, Krishna or any other supreme being is real. People follow these religions and base almost everything on faith with very little facts that can actually be proven.

I'm not talking about small facts, I'm talking about big ones like, how the world was created, you can choose to believe, anything that you want but until we have some facts or at least something that sounds pretty good, you should probably stop thinking, that your religion is the only way and your God the best. Show some compassion for other religions around the world, their beliefs are no better or weaker than yours.

Hope in Religion

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Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development. Check out one of his recommended books, religious books

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Social Etiquette

The subject of personal hygiene is very sensitive, be it at work, social gathering, public or at college. The big question before us is how one can address the problems without embarrassing or hurting the feelings of those concerned. Also that the person who think is offended does not engage in the same offensive malady.

It is largely suggested that most people believe a lot of things can be done to encourage friends, workmates without tearing asunder the rapport, be it in the work place or at home.
Nose picking some investigation suggest that males have high habits of picking their nose. This seem to have its ancient roots in ancient time not only in Africa, but also in Europe.
It is disgusting and alienating especially when the individual sees it fit to eat whenever they have "dug out". Men are said to have developed this habit much more than women. At times your girlfriend will notice this and feel shy to tell you to use a handkerchief.

Different cultures have different ways of maintaining their health. Men and women have got different roles and expectation they are required to follow. At times a person can offend the table manners depending on the culture that he follows. Culture as define by Cumming et al as a totality of life transmitted from one generation to the other. Scholars like Fiske 1980 views "culture" as something that is ordinary. What one does be it at workplace, home, school or at church can be defined as culture.

Above all hygiene at times cuts across multiple of culture and needs to be preserved to enhance development. Human beings are different from animals because they have certain ways of upholding their hygiene. It is important all the times to maintain high standards of hygiene that can improve our lives

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Seven Characteristics of Committed People

So what's keeping you from making the commitments necessary to live your dreams? Are you feeling overwhelmed? Are you afraid to take on more things to do? Are you unable to try again because you were unsuccessful in the past? All these things are reasons that keep you stuck in one place and give you permission not to try again. You don't know what you can accomplish until you give it a try. You have no idea how powerful you really are. If you let go of all fear, you would be unstoppable!

But what do you do? The answer is simple. You say what you are committed to, then you take action! This is how your dreams become reality versus success that only happens to other people.

So, how can you get committed? Learn what makes you a committed person.

1. Committed People Make Commitments.

They stick with their commitments because they said they would. Words such as maybe, should, or can't are absent from their vocabulary.

2. Committed People Believe They Can Fulfill Their Commitments.

They can visualize the finish line and believe they will accomplish their goal. Because their beliefs are so strong, not accomplishing their goal isn't even part of the equation.

3. Committed People Say What They Are Committed To

They bring their dreams into reality simply by using the power of language. It's amazing what they accomplish once they say their commitments out loud.

4. Committed People Invest In Their Commitments.
They invest their time, money, and energy into their commitments. Their commitments become so important that they rework their lives around them.

5. Committed People Are Realistic About Their Commitments.

They give themselves permission to explore different avenues and are nice to themselves along the way. Sure, there may be setbacks, but mistakes are viewed as opportunities rather than something to avoid at all costs.

6. Committed People Form A Bond With Their Commitments.

Their commitments become a part of who they are, not something they are trying to accomplish on the side. This approach makes their commitments fun and not something that they "have to" or "should" be doing.

7. Committed People Are Passionate About Their Commitments.

Their passion touches, moves and inspires others around them. This passion carries them through to the end. So make the commitments necessary to live your dreams and don't stop along the way! In return, you will discover that you have the freedom and power to make your dreams a reality.

Isn't this the reason that you were created- for greatness?

Time Management

Have you ever noticed how busy your day seems, running errands most of the day, and exhausted at the end of it? Then at the end of the week as you look back, it just doesn't seem like you are making the kind of progress you hoped for. This scenario occurs most days and weeks turn in months and into years and you can never seem to get ahead as you had expected.

The key to achieving any kind of success in life is learning time management. Even though you have the intelligence, ambition, and all the goals set in place, ineffective planning of your time will sabotage you. Personal time management is an essential component to reaching any goal. By managing your time effectively, you will automatically improve your level of efficiency and increase your productivity.

When you learn to manage your time effectively, you gain more control over your life on many levels. You will have full control of all the events surrounding it. You will discover more time for family, friends, making a contribution to society, or taking care of your health.

The good news is that you can learn this skill of time management. Learning this skill can go a long way in helping you accomplish any task you dream of undertaking. It can also relieve you of stress and anxiety and brings more peace of mind, and not to mention the accomplishments of your goals.

Planning Ahead

The key to effective time management is planning ahead. Each evening before you end your day, you must plan out your schedule for the following day. List in pencil all the things you plan to tackle for the following day(s). Know what your long-term goals are and how to prepare short-term to accomplish them accordingly.

First you must take into account the time of day when you are most alert and full of energy so your can plan your heaviest tasks around those hours. You know your biorhythms better than anyone else.

Know your strengths and your weaknesses. Don't overload yourself when you know you become overwhelmed easily and shut down. It is better to schedule 1 important task and accomplish it than to attempt 5 tasks and not complete any. Don't feel afraid to ask for help. Life coaching is one source where you can find the assistance you need.

If your objective is to achieve a particular goal you must first learn to prioritize. You must organize your list based on the importance. Realize you will have daily tasks to attend to as well as tasks that bring you closer to accomplishing your goals. There will also be emergencies that pop up occasionally, which you must attend to. However, after you have taken care of the emergency, immediately return to your objectives.

Next, realistically determine how much time you feel it would take to complete each task. Schedule appointments whenever and wherever you can. Give yourself enough time to complete each task. Allow one day, or one week, or one month depending on the task. Make it fun by challenging yourself to getting your task completed by a specific time.
Most of all, remember that with each plan and with each execution of your plan, you are one step closer to achieving you ultimate goal. No task is too small when it comes to planning ahead.

Don't forget your planner behind!

Saying NO

In managing your time effectively, it is essential to be selective of the tasks you undertake. Learning to say NO can move you light years ahead in managing your time.
Let's face it, saying YES to someone's request feels good. It gets us liked and we feel as if we are indeed helping. We believe that by saying yes, others will perceive us in a positive light. There are those who say yes out of guilt or just out of habit. The important thing to remember is:

  • saying no is not minimizing someone else's request.
  • saying no is not being selfish.
  • saying no means saying YES to you.
  • saying no means giving some thought to what was requested of you. Here you can take the time to explore the request to see if you can realistically commit to it.
  • saying no means relieving yourself of unnecessary stress
  • You must learn the right way to say NO. If it is abrupt you will be perceived negatively. The best way to handle a request is to ask for some time to think about the requested task. Assure the person you will get back to them. This gives you the opportunity to examine the task and your schedule to see if you can fit it in. Then you contact that person and humble decline. Let that person know that you would like to be considered for future tasks but at this time it you will not be able to do a thorough job because of your tight schedule.

    Once you have made some progress with your schedule and you feel you can donate some something extra time, let it be known. In the meantime, be careful not to overload your life. This can cause enormous stress, anxiety and slow down your efforts.

    Learning to say NO is a great step in time management.

    Time Hijackers

    If you do not get into the habit of planning your time in advance there are many other factors that can hijack your time as well. Let's take a look at some of them.

    Lack of focus

    Not having a goal or an objective can seriously hijack your time and interfere with your time management ability. You will float through life and not accomplish anything. This is the first step towards achieving any goal. One you have identified you goal decide how you plan to achieve it. Determine how much time and effort it would take to accomplish it in terms of days, months, years. Then begin prioritizing and planning your time each day.


    So you've identified your objectives and goals and feel enthusiastic about embarking on your journey. You have everything written down and you feel confident to begin. However, you begin to find over ways to avoid getting your list of things done. This is a sure time hijacker and you will NEVER reach your objective this way.

    The Telephone

    This is a huge hijacker in time management. Some of us forget the control we have over the telephone. Instead we allow the telephone to control us and it ends up hijacking our time. The moment is rings we feel we must immediately attend to it. Today with caller ID available you can identify your callers. When you are focused on your task at hand and the time you have to accomplish it, you must learn to better control the telephone. Unless it's an emergency, let the phone ring when you need to preserve your time. If there is a problem, the caller will leave a message. You can check your messages and decide how to attend to the issue or how much importance you want to give it at the time. This can save you many hours throughout your day.

    Time Management Tips

    Here are some tips to think about when thinking about planning your time.

    Personal organization

    This is an area that must be addressed from the start. Personal disorganization will get you nowhere fast. I have noticed this is an area that is difficult to admit to. Unable to personally organize is not a sign of lack of intelligence or incapability. We all have our strengths and weaknesses and this may be one of your weaknesses. If it is an area you need help in, solicit the help of a life coach. Once you have some personal, organizational infrastructures in place, your time will be spent more wisely and you will make quicker progress towards achieving your goals. In order to plan ahead, you must have your personal life and personal space organized.

    Social time

    We all love to visit with our friends and enjoy some fun, social moments together. However, these times must be planned otherwise they can interfere with your time management. When you friends call for some spontaneous get together, if you have planned ahead and accomplished you tasks for that day, then you will have the time available for some fun and laughter. If you haven't planned properly and was unable to complete your planned tasks for that day, when you get together with your friends you cannot feel completely relaxed knowing that you still have 3 very important things you didn't attend to. You don't' have to accept every invitation you receive for socializing. Remember you are ultimately in control of how much time to spend socializing. This can consume your life without even realizing it. Learn to say NO sometimes. Planning ahead makes room in your life for completing your daily tasks and allows more relaxed time with friends.

    Damage Control

    If you do not plan your time well, most of your day will be spent putting out fires or running around doing damage control. By planning ahead, you are taking care of high priority issues in your life so when emergencies arise, you are better prepared to handle them and they do not set you back. You deal with them and get right back to your planned schedule.

    Most importantly, always be aware of your objective. Your goals must be clearly defined and written in a place where you can see them every day. You must have a plan for achieving your goal. Your ability to manage your time is the key to executing your plan.

    Friday, April 17, 2009

    World's Worst Mass-Murderers - Religious Extremism Or Enlightened Secularism?

    History - Written in Blood

    The history of the world has been written in blood, until recently by dominating religions, intolerant of other faiths or beliefs: from dark-age pogroms, to early Islam's rampages, to the Crusades, to conquest of the New World, to the Inquisition, and to Stalin and Hitler and genocidal Holocaust. Throughout this gory litany, peace-seeking philosophers, war-weary, have dreamed periodically of a world without conflict. Other than the cultures and countries which worshipped the glory of mortal combat, e.g. the rulers and elite citizenry of ancient Rome, Sparta and more recently Prussia, most philosophers, and certainly at-risk commoners throughout history have dreamed of quiet lives without conflict or violence, safe from both external and internal attacks upon their freedoms and persons, hoping only to be permitted to enjoy their families and accomplishments in peace - and to die in bed at a respectable age.

    Early on, wars were fought and peoples murdered to spread religion, coercive conversions forcing acceptance of the God of a dominant power. Dismayed at the carnage, rational humankind philosophized that no true divinity could tolerate, much less demand, such unwarranted cruelty - hence they must all be false - hence an anti-religion philosophy of rule-by-rationality should-be superior. Mankind began searching out a workable approach to peaceful governance - coexistence among peoples of differing faiths and philosophies - without bloodshed. By an "either-or" argument, if God and Religion seemed to be more cause than solution, perhaps durable peace could be achieved between nations - if "faith" would be discarded and replaced with "reason".

    Such daring thinking was envisioned, then espoused - the concept of "enlightened" rule was developed - a peaceful society, governed by fairness in rules of conduct and justice; it was embarked upon and grew, with democratized liberation of countries from prior religious domination. Such optimistic and exciting "Enlightenment" theories took root, conceptually non-tyrannical authority being envisaged - neither rule by royal-lineage nor by divinity figures, instead leaders to be selected from the populace by majority choice, government by rational, impartial laws and justice, replacing religious dogmatism. The theory was implemented with confidence, preamble efforts beginning in (1776 in the US - excluded hereinafter, and) 1794 with the French Revolution. The ringing phrase "Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite" became the slogan of hope in France .

    This expectation of a better approach was, however, short-lived, lasting but two years - ending with a parade of citizens, deemed unworthy of life, escorted to the guillotine - and a flood of blood. Subsequently, perhaps inevitably, the pendulum of non-religions or "enlightened" governance went into "overswing" - the world experiencing (perhaps) the ultimate in authoritarian rule based upon the moral compass of mere men - dictatorships - Communism and Nazi-ism!

    Extremism of religious ideology and bigotry in living memory as well as recorded history, cannot be denied. Millions of lives have been taken by hatred as frenzied zealots of one religion held power over others - oft-times given a no-win choice, forced conversion or the sword. Even greater extremism is evident today, the virulence being obvious in the venue selection - where civilians, especially children gather - bloodied body-parts of innocents are shown in lurid photos and described in every newspaper - blown-up in buses, restaurants, marketplaces, houses of worship. Human intolerance of faiths other than their own, especially during outbreaks of mob psychology - particularly when exhorting a divine "commandment" to kill "the infidel" - are spurred on by inflammatory and instantaneous distribution of world news. Such bloodshed is even more commonplace today than in the past. So what is the carnage scorecard?

    Undoubtedly hundreds of thousands of helpless human beings have been killed by the excesses of religion in recorded history, inflamed zealots, dark-age pogroms, genocides leading to the Holocaust, and present-day Islamo-terrorists. However, in contrast, when the supreme decision authority for life and death has been placed in human ethical standards of morality and justification, the pursuit of ever-greater powers and conquests are apparently irresistible. Rationalizations and cold assessments of benefits and advantages seem to easily overwhelm restraint - leading to carnage and ferocity - greatly exceeding even inflamed religious bigotry. Instead of the envisaged tolerance and fraternity, the end result of political experiments in "enlightened" human authority has been both unanticipated and uninhibited, the untethering of the worst instincts of human beings.

    Over 100 Million Killed

    Totaling the score can only be done in round numbers, but despotic rulers have caused over 100 million people being killed - by Communism and Nazi-ism within this past century: China, Soviet Union, North Korea, Cambodia, Africa, Afghanistan, and Nazi Europe. These human beings were killed, not in battle or by faith-based hatreds ("if your god is not my god, then you must die"), but from an ideology that denied "faith" itself ("There is no god, only man is the judge of right and wrong!"). With "political correctness" holding sway, it is religion itself that is targeted.

    The history of humankind is a history of killing, not for food as in the animal kingdom, but to increase power, dominance of peoples and for land-mass acquisition. Today, of the world religions, all but one seem to have grown beyond desires to kill or compel conversions of other faiths, only the Muslim religion seems to still justify the sacrifice of not only their own lives but also those of their own children, in order to deny others a desired worship of their own gods.

    Clearly, man's warlike nature is not curbed by devotion to a divinity. But the record shows that governance and morality considerations - which if not restrained by considerations superior to human authority - seems to lead to rationalizations for abuses with much more extreme end-results. Human nature, absent the moral and ethical compass of religion and with authority without limitation, seems to the inevitable justification of the ultimate in extremism, rationalizing away impediments to increasing authority and acquisition - mass murder without conscience.

    Aaron Kolom qualifies as a "rocket scientist" with over 50 years aerospace engineering: Stress Analyst to Chief of Structural Sciences on numerous military aircraft, to Corp. Director Structures and Materials, Asst. Chief Engineer Space Shuttle Program through first three flights (awarded NASA Public Service Medal), Rockwell International Corp.; Program Manager Concorde SST, VP Engineering TRE Corp.; Aerospace Consultant.

    Aaron L. Kolom - from Brainwashed* and Miracles**
    * The Perceived Mind-Set of the Secular Elite re Darwin Evolutionism!
    ** To Believe in Them - Have Faith - In Science and Logic!

    Visit website at to learn a bit about Science vs the Bible, from conflict to confirmation.