Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Law Of Attraction Tips And Secrets - 9 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Taking Action

Allowing more inspiration is one sure way to make life and the law of attraction easier and more effective. Here's an easy process to help you feel your way to becoming more and more inspired.

When I want to do or buy or have something, but it doesn't feel quite settled for me, sometimes I ask myself these questions to begin an evaluation process (which sometimes leads to a new idea). You may have other questions to add, but here's a place to start....

1. Does it fit with what I know?

2. Will it please me now and later?

3. Does it fit my physical journey as it exists now?

4. Does it touch on my ideals in a positive way for me?

5. Does it have inspiration in it?

6. Is it realistic, believable, do-able, easy?

7. Does it feel congruent and connected?

8. Does the timing feel right?

If one of the questions feels really "off," I remember a time when I was more aligned with that energy, and either jot it down on a piece of paper, or just close my eyes and remember. This will bring in more positive energy to the situa219Ation, and will give you a stronger feeling of "yes," "no" or another direction.

Basically, if something doesn't fit this criteria for me, I don't let it in to my experience. This saves me a lot of trouble later, and has proved a very productive practice for me.

I hope it does for you, as well.

Thank you for being here.

Nancy Madlin is an energy alignment expert, coach and author.

For more real-life help with living the law of attraction, visit Nancy's blog at http://nancymadlin.typepad.com/nancy_madlins_good_energy/ and her Web site at http://www.goodenergyforlife.info

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