Saturday, July 5, 2008

Hardcore Body Building - How To Improve Your Body Building And Weight Training Program

Being hardcore does not mean having to alter your life to be on stage at the Mr. Olympia, having to sacrifice your life for the gym, or any other extreme measures. It simply means being intense, focused, and dedicated every minute you are in the gym in order for you to become the best you can be. That's the goal for all of us! Remember to train hard, go to failure (or near failure on certain sets), and continually give the best effort you can.

Genetics are a huge factor in bodybuilding as there are easy gainers and hard gainers. The vast majority of people fall somewhere in between. Provided that you have clearance from your physician or healthcare provider, anyone can train hardcore because this style of training is a mental & emotional approach to training, rather than simply a training routine with heavy weights. ANYONE, therefore, can be a hardcore trainee since it all starts with your own mind.

Remember that even the genetic "thoroughbreds on the Mr. Olympia stage are always looking to improve from year to year; so if they want to improve then remember that you can improve regardless of your genetics. At Metroflex, people from all walks of life train there every day; and the hardcore mentality is exemplified in numerous ways from people of all ages, athletic backgrounds, and limitations due to injury. Whether you train at Metroflex or at the most elegant health spa, the hardcore mentality should be considered as you can get the most out of your efforts. It also makes weight training fun, a challenge, and one which will help you realize consistent progress.

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