Thursday, June 12, 2008

Become Wealthy Through Self Development

Almost everyone I know has a desire - whether in the back or the forefront of their minds - to become wealthy. The Universe is a place of abundance and every person has a right to and access to that abundance. So why isn't everyone wealthy?

People become stuck at levels of existence because of limiting beliefs they cling to in their daily work and living. Those limitations put the brakes on manifesting wealth and plenty in their lives.

And everybody - including myself - possesses and regularly uses limiting beliefs. Even Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Oprah Winfrey possess limiting beliefs but in their cases, probably far fewer than the average person.

The answer to removing limiting beliefs is self development.

By expanding your knowledge and understanding of the world and how it operates, you will become aware of your beliefs and their affect on your life. After becoming aware and developing greater wisdom, you will be equipped to make the changes in your work and life that allow wealth and abundance to enter freely into your life.

Want to become wealthy? Get off your duff and start educating yourself.

Make a commitment to setting up routines of study and learning.

I recommend setting aside 30 minutes each day to read. I've found in my work that outstanding leaders are readers. If you want more success and wealth, begin creating the habit of reading 30 minutes every day.

As you travel in your car, listen to educational CDs over and over again until you know the information they contain. Identify topic areas to build expertise in each quarter and focus on that content for three months.

Use your spare time to read important articles from the professional magazines you subscribe to. Learn about all areas of your life including health, spiritual, relationship or family, social, career, and financial.

As you develop yourself through the acquisition of knowledge and understanding, you will become motivated to make the changes necessary to allow wealth and abundance to flow more freely to you.

This doesn't happen over night so it's not a quick fix. It's a mindset, a habit of action that used consistently over time will change and enrich your work and life.

You choose! Stay the way you are or engage in life long learning. What is your choice?

Joe Farcht is the founder and president of Leadership Advantage, Inc. His purpose for living is to develop and coach leaders, executives, managers, and supervisors to new levels of performance and success in their work and life. He is the author of the book Building Personal Leadership: Inspirational Tools & Techniques for Work & Life. Learn more at Leadership Advantage, Inc. Please contact Joe at or at 602 996-1802.


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